Parents & Friends

Parents and Friends News

A big thank you to Flip McKinnon for all her support to families via our Parent Facebook page and also to Jackie Leou for her support in getting messages out on the WeChat page.

Also to our parent reps who are making contact with their families. I have heard of Zoom lunches and virtual play dates. 

Some feedback from Parent Reps that I contacted:

... so impressed with content coming up on seesaw. I love seeing what they are doing in class and having the ability to participate in some activities after work. Please pass on huge thanks and appreciation to all the teachers and staff for everything they have done and continue to do. They are amazing with what they are achieving in these crazy times. We have had a couple of video calls with other students and video messages which have been fun.

...As for keeping in touch with the other families we will soon resume with our WhatsApp group, in particular with your call for photos of the children doing remote learning.

... there has been a few parents that have set up zoom lunch time for the kids where they can sit and have lunch at home while seeing and chatting to their friends. The parents have had there own zoom catch ups as well and there is an app called house party which is similar to zoom which is being used as well. My boys have had some catch up with friends using skype and facetime.

There has been a lot of positive messages posted on the school facebook page and everyone supporting each other. I have asked that my class send any photos they might have from home schooling to myself or the school 

...As far as our class is concerned we have continued to use our WhatsApp group as our main source of communication with the families.  Mostly just touching base. 

...Remote learning has been unique experience for all of us, it does bring some challenges and some advantages. It brings advantage as I get more involved with educational activities, know what my child has been learning and celebrate their learnings & achievements. I admire all staff members for their hard work and commitment, certainly because of you and your team we see smooth running of schooling from home, where I think majority of families and children are happy. I know, this is not an easy thing, it takes a lot of background work. We are in touch through WhatsApp group.


Thanks parent reps.