Dear Parents,


Conversation is key


As the gorgeous summer holiday approaches I'd like to encourage you to set aside time to really converse with your children about topics that are new, interesting or around places, people, history or events. Learning through conversation is really vital for  young people. It is in this opportunity that they hear new words in context (so can work out what it might mean), be exposed to new topics and concepts that may allow for a variety of points of view and begin to form an opinion.


Recently I watched one of my sons puzzle over being asked if he were taking the minutes at the meeting he was a guest at. The person who made the jest realised he didn't understand and checked in to see if he knew what minutes were in this context. A perfect example of how we all help children learn through conversation.


Wherever possible insist that your children use the correct term for things - often when we are rushed or tired we replace specific terms for a generic 'stuff', 'thingy' etc. Give them time to find the right word. If they cannot then supply the word but get them to repeat it several times and you also use the word (model) in several sentences to allow them to hear as well as say the word.


An example might be if a child says 'That sick person is going in the van to the hospital'. In this context the vehicle is a van but much more appropriately the word should be ambulance. You could say 'We call that van an ambulance'. Ask them to repeat the word. Then continue to converse about it speaking about ambulance, ambulance officers, what happens in an ambulance.


Talking about the world is a wonderful experience for both in the conversation. I wish you a wonderful, safe holiday full of amazing opportunities to discuss our beautiful world.

PRAYER - ADVENT - The second candle is lit

The second candle represents faith.  It is called the 'Bethlehem Candle' as a reminder of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.


Father, this second week of Advent, keep us in perfect peace

as our mind is stayed on the truth of your powerful love.

Thank you for your mighty, sovereign hand.  Help us to trust

fully in you and rest in the peace that you offer.

It's in the precious name of Jesus we pray.
