Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning


We are learning about Biology in out Integrated Unit this term. We have been investigating and discovering through reading non-fiction texts.  We are developing understanding about how to create information texts of our own.


 Here are some interesting facts we have discovered already.

"African elephants have bigger ears and all have tusks." - Luka M


"The blue whale is the largest living creature on planet earth." - Rohan A

St Francis and the Wolf - Gr 2S

Class 2S are currently working on their Saintly Lives Main Lesson. The first part of the year explored the characteristics of the animals. The cunning fox, the wily dingo etc. The second half of the year explores human nature, especially legendary figures that made the choice to perform good deeds. This corresponds with the children's developmental stage. It is a powerful realisation that they now have the agency of choice to decide which path to take themselves.