A message from Leon

Kii everyone,


We have already had an action-packed start to Term 3.   We’ve had lots of exciting things happen from grounds works to teacher development.  I am truly excited to see the continual progress of Thornbury Primary School.


Traffic around the school

I know many parents and carers have spoken to me about parking and traffic recently.   I have spoken to the City of Darebin’s Traffic Enforcement Unit recently and relayed your concerns.  Below is an extract of a written response from the City of Darebin:


“Council’s parking enforcement officers can issue infringements for stopping and parking rules listed below and makes no apologies for doing so. Child safety is paramount around school crossings. And for this reason Council adopts a zero tolerance approach on illegal parking in the vicinity of school crossings. Regarding photographs taken by our officers at schools;

  • Photographs are taken for enforcement purposes only e.g when a matter proceeds to the Magistrates Court, or the offender requests a copy.
  • Photographs are stored securely on a Council server.
  • Council is not breaching your privacy by taking photographs for enforcement purposes.
  • Council will not disclose or release photographs to a third party under any circumstances.”

A full response for our community will be available and sent via Compass to families.  There is also a contact for families to follow up with the City of Darebin.


Unfortunately, the school has no powers or authority around roads, traffic and parking in the local streets.


I will continue to advocate on your behalf to the City of Darebin.  The Mayor meets with local Principals a few times each year to discuss local issues.


2020 Enrolments

We have commenced the process of planning for 2020.  We have started with planning our Prep classes.  We have 65 prep placements for 2020 (22 Steiner and 43 Mainstream).  If you know of someone who has not yet completed an enrolment form for Prep or any other year level for 2020, please make sure an enrolment form is completed ASAP. 



We have a number of camps coming up this term.  Next week is our Year 3/ 4 camp and in September is our 5/ 6 camp.    At the end of August we are adding a new camping experience for students in Years 1/2.  Year 1 students will have a dinner and Year 2 students will have a sleepover at school.  This is designed to promote and prepare students for future camping programs.


Please check with your teachers if you need any information regarding our camping program.


Year 7 transition

Recently Year 6 students will have received notification as to their Secondary School in 2020.   Most Secondary Schools will require information about the students from parents and shortly Secondary Transition Coordinators will visit Thornbury to discuss students with Year 5/ 6 teachers.   If you have any concerns or questions regarding the transition to Secondary School, you can speak to the school directly or to Stephanie Millar (Transition Coordinator) or myself.


Twaganin everyone


Leon Bell



“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” – John Maxwell