Classroom News - Year 3

Miss Outridge, Mrs Croft and Miss Limen


In English, we have been busy working on poems! We have learned about poetic devices, the structure of poems, and how to create interest. We are using everything we have learned to start to plan our own poems. We look forward to sharing them with you soon. 


In reading, we have been working on our visualising skills. This has helped us to better understand the text that we read and use our imagination.  All students are displaying confidence in this area and are enjoying the chance to be creative and explain their imagination. 



In Maths Year 3 have been working on consolidating their number facts. The growth in the students from the beginning of the year to now is enormous and they should all be very proud of how far they have come. We are having fun with number games and learning new strategies that can challenge us. 


Year 3 have been learning all about Saints. We have discussed the qualities that they have and what makes them Saints. Each student has been busy researching their chosen Saint to create a presentation for the class to inform about all the wonderful things they have learnt. 



Last week Year 3 started looking at our drama unit. The students had a lot of fun engaging in a range of games and activities. It was great the see everyone be involved in the lesson and we can't wait to see them become more creative and dramatic.