Mrs Jillian Rainger

Farewell and thank you Mrs House

Mrs Rachelle House has been working in our purple room for many years and will have her final day with us tomorrow. Rachelle has accepted another position at a business in town. Mrs House has made a huge difference to many students and she will be missed. Best wishes Rachelle!

Year 10 Graduation

Year 10 are in their final weeks at our school. Next week sees the end of their formal activities with their camp at Copeton Dam, Graduation Mass, awards presentation, and Graduation dinner. More details can be found in the Celebrating our Faith and Secondary pages of the newsletter. Last week I had lunch with Year 10 and heard their plans for the future. They demonstrated maturity and excitement for the future. We wish them well!


Year 6

Likewise, Year 6 are currently completing their end of primary activities. The movie and pizza night later this week is in lieu of the social that is normally held. Their final primary  Mass will be held this Friday. We look forward to our Year 6 students joining the secondary in 2021.


Student Leadership 

Students in Year 5 and Year 9 are or have been, involved in a number of leadership activities in preparation for Student Representative Council elections. These will be taking place over the next two weeks with our SRC being announced on Wednesday in Week 9.

RED homework survey

Next week is our last week of homework in K-6 for the year. Thank you to our families who have supported the RED program. Please continue to encourage your children to fill in their record card and send it in for the last two Fridays. Next week we will be sending a brief survey to get your feedback on this initiative. The survey links will be sent on our COMPASS portal.

Infants Christmas Concert Online

This year our Christmas concert will be virtual. Filming of the acts from each class will take place over the coming weeks. We will let families know when it is released on our You Tube site.

Thanksgiving Prayer

A tradition at Christmas time at Holy Trinity is the Thanksgiving Mass. Usually, the whole school comes together in the hall for Mass and to offer our hamper items to SVDP. This year we will be holding smaller thanksgiving prayers with our classes and they will take their festive food offerings and place them under a Christmas tree. More information can be found in the Celebrating our Faith section of the newsletter. Please give generously.

Presentation Day Livestream

This year we will be having "Presentation Day" instead of Presentation Night. We will also be including our Commendation Assembly awards into these assemblies. Presentation Day will be held on Monday 14 December in the hall. Year 3-6's assembly will be held at 10am and Year 7-9 will be held at 12pm. The Presentation Day assemblies will be live-streamed so families can view the awards being received. Semester 2 reports will be sent home on this Monday.

2021 Planning 

We are currently finalising our 2021 plans. Class lists are being formulated and timetables established. Please let us know if your child is not returning in 2021 to help us make our class list accurate.