Facilities & Wellbeing

School Facilities 2021
Triple Portables
The school is getting 3-storey classrooms! Due to our increase in student numbers over the years and need for more classrooms, the Department have approved two 3-storey portables for the back of the school that runs along the train line creating an additional 12 classrooms from Term 2 next year. Although this means we will lose another three classrooms when the current single-storey portables are removed over the summer break, we are very excited about having greater flexibility with our learning spaces.
School Improvement Grant
We have also been successful in our application to the Department to fund a major upgrade ($500,000+) of the staff and student toilet blocks around the school. This upgrade is a much-needed improvement and will be well appreciated by students and staff alike.
Science Prep Room Upgrade
We are finally completing the planned upgrade of the main Science Prep Room over the holidays as well which will provide better facilities to support all the science practical work and experiments that occur in all the Science classes, and these hands-on experiences are so important for developing the high level scientific knowledge and skills we want in all our students.
Wellbeing over the Summer Holidays
School Holiday Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
The Department has worked with Headspace to make sure mental health and wellbeing support is available for secondary school students over the school holidays.
Two fact sheets have been developed to support school students and families to:
- support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
- identify signs students may need mental health support
- access available support.
Student Fact Sheet - Wellbeing Support over the School Holidays
Parent/Carer Fact Sheet - Wellbeing Support for Students over the School Holidays
The fact sheets has been translated into 19 different languages. They are available here on the Mental health Toolkit website.
Webinars for Parents
The Department will partner with Headspace to run two parent information sessions.
Supporting Young People - Notice, Ask, Connect
Date: Thursday 10 December 2020
Time: 7pm — 8:15pm
Platform: Online
Cost: Free
For more information and to register visit Eventbrite.
Supporting Young People Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School
Date: Tuesday 15 December 2020
Time: 7pm — 8:15pm
Platform: Online
Cost: Free
For more information and to register visit Eventbrite.
The above registration links are also in the Parent and Carers fact sheet.
- Kellie Ind, Assistant Principal