Showcasing Student Work

Year 7 Geography - Place & Livability
Throughout Term 4 7E have been studying the concept of place and livability in Geography. The class participated in and completed fieldwork with a focus on the ongoing rubbish issue at Box Hill High School. As a class we questioned whether the number of bins in an area of the school, such as the quad or oval, related to the amount of rubbish in that area, whether or not different year levels produced different amounts of rubbish, and how much rubbish could be attributed to usage of the canteen. Groups in our class then made a number of carefully considered recommendations to fix the rubbish issue to Ms Pillay, Mr Acebron, Miss Buenemann and Mr Harley.
- Grace Prachith, 7E
Australian Cancer & Health Sciences Competition - High School Cancer Masterclass
In Term 3, the following Year 10 Medical and Experimental students undertook a five-week masterclass series on Cancer via Zoom:
Nina Boyce | Oscar Ennis-Thomas | Melanie Webster |
Niro Menikdiwala | Caitlin Low | Miraz Rai |
Mitchell Davis | Andrew Zhou | Halle Yong |
Chloe Tran | Wendy Huang | Shania Desouza |
Ayaka Takeya | Alex Onik | Ian Desouza |
Abbey Wijaya | Agam Johal | Michael Wang |
Shalese Teo | Marsha Lenin | Eva Chung |
Neo Adiatma | Ian Desouza | Ashton Kok |
Cordelia Jackson | Oskar Cen |
This was run by the Australian Cancer and Health Sciences Competition, and was delivered by high-achieving university students who were studying their final years of biomedical science or medicine at The University of Melbourne.
We thank our tutors Zoe, Kathy and Jono for covering various cancer-related topics, ranging from the basics of cancer biology to principles of cancer screening, prevention and treatment.
We are extremely encouraged by the interest these students showed during the series, and impressed by their ability to ask high-level questions regarding the biochemical intricacies of cancer. Throughout a difficult term of remote learning, students showed extraordinary enthusiasm and persistence to continue attending and learning through these online masterclasses.
A small group of students then went on to compete in the HSCM project, producing a well-researched and detailed piece on skin cancer titled ‘Feel the burn? That’s skin cancer’, which you can read below. We congratulate Marsha, Abbey, Agam, Nina, Shania, Ian and Wendy for their wonderful efforts.
- Quinn Arnold and Arabella Thompson