Principal's Update

As Term 4 2020 draws to a close, we can certainly feel the school community moving forward, celebrating the achievements of 2020 and looking forward with a sense of relief to 2021.
I would like to take a moment to share a few thoughts on behalf of the leadership team here at Box Hill High School. None of us imagined that this school year would be disrupted and cut short in such a dramatic fashion. Early in Term 1, we were gearing up for our classes and extra-curricular activities. Now we find ourselves reflecting on the unprecedented year that is ending and preparing for our Summer vacation and the start of a new year.
I want to thank the BHHS community for your kindness, grace, and cooperation as our staff members worked to provide quality learning experiences for our students and to support their efforts to learn online from home. We have been amazed by the flexibility, tenacity and creativity that our students have shown as they have navigated this new and different way of accessing their education. They are resilient and we know that they will come through this difficult time having learned important lessons about themselves as learners and as young adults.
That experience could not have occurred without the endless energy, skills and devotion of our staff. Thanks and well done to an incredible group of professionals.
Farewell to the Class of 2020
The class of 2020 have been simply wonderful role models for all of our students. The Year 12 exams were a great success, with staff, year level coordinators and VCE exam supervisors collectively supporting students with both their content preparation, study skills and various administrative requirements in the lead up to the exams. As always, our students approached these formal assessments extremely diligently and they are to be congratulated on their dedication, positivity and hard work. Throughout this year of COVID-19 the determination, resilience and commitment to each other has been a hallmark of our VCE students.
Students celebrated the end of Year 12 and their education at BHHS with a festive picnic in the quad, enjoying wood fired pizzas, gelato and dancing to popular soundtracks with their friends. We will still be holding the Valedictory for students and parents in April next year.
We are incredibly proud of our Class of 2020 and wish them well for the future.
JumpStart Program 2021
Current students have completed their Jumpstart program for Year 10, 11 and 12 2021. Initial sessions focused on the course overview and assessment requirements, as well as an introduction to the first topics for the subject. Students, especially Year 12, will have some work to complete over the Summer vacation.
Staff are also well into planning for their new classes next year, preparing curriculum, resources and as well examining student data and planning for differentiation.
Grade 6 Orientation
On Tuesday 8th December we held an orientation program for 240+ Grade 6 students on site. The students were very excited to be able to visit the school, meet teachers and peer support leaders and experience a range of subjects. The event was COVID safe with students staying with 1-2 staff all day and separated at break times into distinct ‘bubbles’.
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) 2021
We are in the final stages of completing this plan. The AIP 2021 will focus on three core priorities:
1. Learning Catch Up and Extension
2. Happy, healthy and active kids
3. Connected schools
A copy of the AIP will be available on our website early in Term 1, once it has been endorsed by the School Council and the Region.
Tutor Learning Initiative
You may have read about the Victorian Government’s funding of a state-wide tutoring program to support students to ‘catch-up’ in their learning following the impact of COVID. Our school will receive $200 000 from DET and we will also have to supplement that with $80 000 of our own funds to employ tutors for next year. We are currently planning for the structure and implementation of this program. The focus will primarily be on literacy and numeracy; although there will also be a need for subject specific support for senior students. We will be able to ‘tutor’ approximately 150 students in small groups, through this program. Information will be provided to relevant students and families early next year.
Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy (MYLNS)
This is another DET initiative, focusing on students in Year 8 and 10 who are well below the National Minimum standard in Literacy and Numeracy (up to a total of 8 students in each level). We have two staff who have been tasked with implementing this at school. Parents of identified students will be informed early next year and the students will receive intensive support with Literacy and Numeracy development.
Facilities Updates
We are pleased to announce that the school will receive Capital Works funding in the amount of $500 000 toward our toilet renovations. This is great news as we need to provide more facilities for our students and staff.
Planning is underway for the arrival of the new portables next year, beginning with the demolition of the single storey portables in Week 11. We expect that the planning and ground preparation will continue in Term 1 and that the new portables will arrive and be operational for the start of Term 2. This is exciting as it will provide us with 12 brand new classrooms.
School Council Elections 2021
There are two parent positions to be filled for 2021. Please keep an eye on Compass for more information on how to nominate for school council early in Term 1.
Sadly, we bid farewell to some longstanding members of staff. Steve Perry, Meena Nathan and Thea Kamvissis are retiring this year.
Meena was instrumental in establishing the PASCH program and the German exchange program and Steve established the FET program, Solar Car and Robocup. Both the German and FET programs are very popular and students in these programs have actively participated in competitions (FET) and exchange programs and scholarships (German/ PASCH) over many years.
Our very experienced Careers Practitioner. Thea has decided to retire after over two decades as a teacher and careers advisor. She has worked hard to support students in a range of settings both public and private, advising them on all things related to pathways such as work experience, traineeships, and tertiary options. We wish Thea well as she embarks on further study and a well-deserved retirement.
We thank them all for their significant contributions to BHHS and public education in general and wish them all the best for a well-deserved retirement.
Curriculum Planning – STEM/STEAM
We are currently looking at opportunities to enhance our offerings in this area into the future. For 2021, we have electives in Design Technology available to students in Year 9. We are also currently exploring industry partnerships that facilitate real life, problem based learning, Aviation workshops and the use of drone technology. We will continue to offer the Solar Car program and Robocup in 2021 for interested students.
Farewell to Staff
We also farewell the following staff who will be leaving Box Hill High School as they move on to other schools for 2021:
- Paige Buenemann
- Tim Darby
- Paul Smart
- Rowan Nas
- Marquita Corr
They have been great contributors to Box Hill High School and will be missed by students and staff alike. We wish them all the very best for the next chapter in their careers.
School Magazine- Crossroads
Our school magazine is now available and captures the creativity, excitement, challenges and stories of this memorable year. Students have received a copy and it’s a great read!
Finally, I wish all members of our wonderful community a very safe, healthy and happy holiday.
We look forward to seeing you all back at school in 2021.
- Ms Losh Pillay, Principal
Vic Roads Notification - Please Note
'The Department of Transport is introducing changes to existing clearways to keep traffic flowing smoothly on Melbourne’s busy roads. From 1 December 2020, we're making existing clearways on major roads within 20 kilometres of Melbourne’s CBD tow-away zones – so vehicles blocking roads during peak times can be removed, reducing congestion and keeping you moving. Clearway signs have been updated in your local area to include tow-away zone status.
To see where these changes are taking place in your area, please visit our website. The Department of Transport is also working with Think HQ to help inform community members that are close to the existing clearways of the changes, providing information and materials that are easy to understand.
As a key stakeholder in one of these areas, we encourage you to share these materials as widely as possible throughout your networks to help us get the message out. The stakeholder pack (available here) contains links to download posters, social media tiles and video content that you may like to share across your communication channels to your staff, school community, patients, congregations and customers.
For more information please visit our website and search for 'clearway or tow-away zones' or email Thank you so much for your support. '