Sport News

Championship Cup 

 Congratulations to Delphinus House on winning their eighth Championship House Competition.

It was the consistent effort across all of the events that contributed to the win and to the many students

who participated in those events.

I am so very proud of all of you.

Ms Judy Bishop, Delphinus House Leader


Round 1: 

Junior Girls Basketball St John’s (22) defeated Nazareth (14) 
Junior Boys Basketball St John’s (47) defeated Nazareth (41) 
Junior Girls Soccer St John’s (3) defeated Nazareth (1) 
Junior Boys Soccer 17/8 
Junior Girls Volleyball St John’s (2) defeated John Paul (0) 
Junior Boys Indoor Cricket St John’s (59) defeated SFX- Officer (135) 
Intermediate Girls Basketball St John’s (13) defeated by SFX- Officer (18) 
Intermediate Girls Softball St John’s (13) defeated SFX- Officer (6) 
Intermediate Boys Basketball St John’s (24) defeated by SFX- Officer (26) 


Round 2: 

Junior Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Volleyball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Indoor Cricket St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Softball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 


Round 3: 

Junior Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Volleyball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Indoor Cricket St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Softball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 






Round 4:  

Junior Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Volleyball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Indoor Cricket St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Softball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 



Round 5: 

Junior Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Basketball St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Soccer St John’s defeated 
Junior Girls Volleyball St John’s defeated 
Junior Boys Indoor Cricket St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Basketball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Girls Softball St John’s defeated 
Intermediate Boys Basketball St John’s defeated