Junior, Middle * Senior School Matters

Junior School
Form groups for 2018
Year 7 and 8 girls have been asked to nominate five girls with whom they work well. Student managers will use this information to assist the enormous task of putting together form groups for 2018. Staff will also be asked for input as to who works well together.
Year 7 girls needed to have completed their forms by Monday 23 October via Google form. Year 8 girls need to complete their forms by Friday 27 October.
Year 7 2018 Music Information Evening
A huge thank you to the Year 7 band forms and some extra volunteers for playing so beautifully at the Year 7 2018 Music Information evening last Thursday. The girls then showed the Grade 6 girls how to hold the different instruments and make good sounds with the instruments. 7B and 7F did a wonderful job with their explanations and their encouragement.
If your daughter is unable to wear her complete school uniform she needs to bring a note to the Junior School Office before school. If we have a replacement item, eg a jumper, we will lend it to her for the day.
Late to school
A reminder that if your daughter is late to school, she needs to sign in at the General Office. She will need to attend a detention at lunchtime at the Junior School Office if she doesn’t bring a note from a parent or the school doesn’t receive a phone call from a parent explaining the lateness.
Your daughter should check Compass as she will be reminded to attend detention on Compass.
Year 8 Bullying and Cybersafety session
On Friday Year 8 girls attended a session run by Moorabbin Police on bullying and cybersafety and how to stay safe. We hope they will be able to take notice of the messages given and apply them if necessary.
Junior School team
Middle School
It’s been a busy start to Term 4 with students getting right back into the swing of their school program. There are only a few weeks till the end of year exams and students should begin to plan how they will prepare for these, including preparing a study timetable to allocate time where they can focus on their studies. Middle School exams provide students with an authentic examination experience before they reach their VCE studies. Students should consider how they are consolidating what they learn each week and across the year, reflect on their mid-year examination process and consider if they should alter their approach in any way – e.g. changing the way they organise their notes, completing more questions on each topic they study, communicating with their teachers for feedback and support.
2018 Courses
Students submitted preferences for their courses last term. Thank you to families for supporting your child in this process. Courses will be presented to students in mid-November, just prior to the commencement of the 'Headstart' program in late November.
Students will be changing lockers in November as they move to the next year level. If a student requires a top locker because of a medical reason, they need to provide a letter from their doctor stating these reasons. This needs to be handed to the Middle School office by Friday 10 November.
Middle School BBQ
We will be celebrating the hard work of the students in the Middle School with a BBQ for both Year 9 and Year 10 students. The student managers and middle school leaders will be running this with a date to be announced.
Uniform reminder
October is a transition time for Summer and Winter uniform. Students may wear their full summer or full winter uniform till the end of October. Students are then required to be in full Summer uniform for the remainder of the year.
Middle School Team
Senior School
This week we farewelled the Year 12 students as they entered their study period for the final VCAA exams.
On Monday the students made a grand entrance into their last formal assembly reminiscent of their first College Assembly in 2012. While the Senior Team did their best to ensure they entered the gym with the same reserve as six years ago there was no hiding their excitement as they made their way to the tiered seating for the last, official time. The student leaders, Rachel Butler, Tara Graves and Taylor Dawson reminisced with the whole school about the last six years at MGSC.
On Tuesday the students came to school early dressed in costumes for a BBQ breakfast. The school community was entertained in the annual student run assembly when everyone had lots of good fun listening to the songs dedicated to the teachers and watching the teachers performing antics devised by the Year 12 VCE Committee.
On Tuesday evening parents, students and teachers came together at the 'Eden on the Park' for the Valedictory Dinner. This annual event is a highlight of the calendar for the Year 12 team. It is an evening where we express our gratitude to each other and while it is not strictly a farewell it marks the beginning of an ending of a huge part of the young people’s lives.
The Year 12 teachers will be available during the time tabled periods for their studies if they require any assistance.
The Senior Team wish all the students the very best for the coming weeks as they prepare for and sit the VCAA exams. We are most definitely supporting them in this period and they should not hesitate to contact or visit us.