Worldly Matters

International Student Program
The students of the ELC and their ELC Peer Support friends had an excursion to Sovereign Hill. They learnt a lot about panning for gold. Unfortunately, no nuggets were discovered. Some found the mining tunnels a bit creepy while others thought that the horse and wagon experience was hilarious. It was interesting to note that many of the students had not realised that a Chinese community was establish in Ballarat more than 150 years ago.
Thank you to Ms Zhang, Mariana Amaral and all the students for attending and sharing a great experience.
Ekaterina Xanthopoulos
International Student Program and ELC Manager
Home Stay Families Needed
Our International Student Program is looking for families living in the local area - Mentone, Beaumaris, Parkdale and Cheltenham - to host International Students. The students are from China, female and between 14 and 17 years of age.
The student's family pays a weekly fee to the host family to cover costs. If you and your family are interested in learning about another culture and enjoy sharing our Australian way of life with others consider being a host family. We are looking for placements now.
To find out more, please contact the International Student Program Manager:
Ekaterina Xanthopoulos on 9581 5200
World Challenge
It was great to see over 30 students participate in the Walk-a-thon on Wednesday and raise money for their expedition. A special mention for Sarah Jellef who raised over $600 - a new record!. Lexi from World Challenge will arrange a short meeting with the students later this term to discuss the expedition.
Hint #2: In rural areas in Nepal, it is expected that toilet paper will be placed in the provided bin and not in the toilet bowl.
Michael Warden
World Challenge Coordinator