College Matters

School Council Report
Becoming a School Council member at Mentone Girls’ Secondary College has been both a rewarding and challenging experience. I have served as a council member for five years and have made many new friends whilst supporting the direction of the school as lead by our Principal team, working together and striving for the best possible outcomes for our students. In addition to my membership on School Council, I am also part of the sub-committees involving Finance and Facilities.
At the latest School Council meeting we discussed the need for a sign at the front of the school to inform the parents and community of curriculum highlights and upcoming events. A motion was passed to install a new digital sign to be erected on the corner of Balcombe and Charman Roads. The screen will scroll through photographs of student achievements and celebrate the success of our school with the wider community.
Simultaneously, improvements have also taken place with the presentation of the environment in the adjoining area where the sign will be erected. This includes a new winding pathway to create a welcoming first impression into our school for visitors and families alike. The addition of our new sign within this space will be an asset and serve as a positive advertisement of the great things that are happening at Mentone Girls’ Secondary College.
Darren Hawkless
School Council Member
Exam timeline and orientation days
Below is a list of key dates for the exam period and orientation days leading up to Headstart. A more detailed exam timetable has been sent to the Year 9, 10 and 11 students on Compass. More details about the arrangements for orientation week (Monday 20 November to Friday 24 November ) will be provided soon.
- Mon 13/11 to Fri 17/11 Unit 2 exams
- Wed 15/11 to Fri 17/11 Year 10 exams
- Thu 16/11 to Fri 17/11 Year 9 exams
- Mon 20/11 2018 Year 11 orientation
- Wed 22/11 2018 Year 10 and Year 12 orientation
- Thu 23/11 – Fri 24/11 Exam feedback sessions
- Fri 24/11 2018 Year 9 orientation
Presentation Evening
The teachers have completed the process of selecting the students who will be receiving awards at Presentation Evening. The award recipients will soon be receiving a letter in the mail notifying them of this. All families in our school community are invited to attend Presentation Evening on:
Tuesday 21 November at 8pm at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University.
Tickets are free but must be booked online:
Parents and Friends' Association
Thank you to Elizabeth Semmel, Jo Baxas, Emma Walker and Rosa Ferrari for their assistance at the Art Show last week.
There is a PFA meeting on Wednesday 1 November at 7pm in the staffroom.
Please note the earlier start time and the change from our usual day (Tuesday). We will be discussing ideas for the PFA in 2018. All parents welcome.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
The transition to school uniform with the new logo is now complete. This means that any items in the Second-hand Uniform Shop with the old logo can no longer be sold ie blazers and VCE jumpers. We will be contacting families who have these items in the shop and asking if they would like to collect them.
In addition the Second-hand Uniform Shop is seeking more items for sale, specifically summer dresses, the new PE uniform and blazers with the new logo.
Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principal
MGSC now has an official Facebook page to connect with the wider community. Follow us at