Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Guardians
This is a week where we have acknowledged the special place that MGSC holds in the hearts of its students. We held the Final Year 12 Assembly on Tuesday where the Class of 2017 showcased their wit by performing for all year levels and played games with the staff. In good humour, the staff answered some quirky questions, laughed along with the audience and celebrated with the Class of 2017. It was a terrific celebration of their time at MGSC.
I am sure that every student in Year 12 recalled their first assembly when they entered the gymnasium for the first time and were greeted by the applause of over 1,000 students. It was a moving occasion then and it was equally moving on that day. This assembly marks the beginning and the end of so many experiences for our Year 12 students.
The teachers from MGSC have been with the class of 2017 every step of the way on their journey and when we celebrated with the families on Tuesday evening at the Valedictory dinner that connection became even more evident. The students’ recognition of their teachers' efforts and guidance was rewarded with each class presenting their teacher with a card signed with gratitude and heartfelt thanks. I know this meant so much to the teachers.
As you all know, the school opened in 1955 but it was not until 1962 that the first matriculation class graduated from MGSC. The education of girls has come a long way. This is the 55th graduating class in the history of our College and they leave a piece of themselves with us as they move forward on their journey.
On Wednesday we hosted the reunion for the Class of 1997 and 2002. Carol Duggan, Assistant Principal, works alongside our Past Students' Association who host three events each year to enable the girls to return to MGSC to reconnect with students from their year level and recall memories. They also have an opportunity to tour the school and they are always surprised to see the changes. I was so honoured to have been there as I was at the school for both of those years and I delighted in reminiscing along with them. Some of our staff from those years also dropped by – David Shillabeer, Michael Warden, Geoff Perks and Anne Gamble. The past students enjoy hearing about what their teachers have been doing as well. These opportunities to connect remind us all of how important these secondary school years are to us all. Thank you to Maureen from the Past Students' Association (Class of 1962) for preparing the food and beverages on the evening.
It is also important that I acknowledge our Year 12 leaders Rachel Butler, Tara Graves and Taylor Dawson who have been outstanding in their roles this year. They are role models for all of the students at this fine College.
Our school motto sums up how our Graduating Class of 2017 have arrived at this day “Courage and Work”. They have forged their way not through privilege but through determination, grit and self-belief.
Congratulations to our Class of 2017 all and good luck with your exams.
I encourage all students past and present to follow the MGSC Past Students Facebook page so that you can keep informed of any events into the future:
Linda Brown