Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 


During the Season of Lent we focus on Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Over the course of the season we will explore ways to pray especially for others who are in need. The tradition of fasting is observed by Catholics as a sacrifice we can offer to remember how Jesus fasted in the desert. Children are not bound to the fasting tradition but might choose something small to give up for Lent - like sweets or biscuits, or time - helping out at home (without prompting) such as helping with the dishes or setting the table for dinner!


Project Compassion 2023


Zimbabwe is experiencing an intense drought, exacerbated by climate change. With the support of Caritas Hwange, Priscilla learnt conservation farming skills to grow drought-resistant crops and started poultry farming to support her family during the current food crisis.

Each family will receive a Project Compassion box of their own to help with our fundraiser - please put aside some spare change for this cause and bring this box back to school in Term 2. To find out more about Project Compassion please go to:



Every $7 we raise helps people like Priscilla by giving a chicken to a family so that they have a healthy source of protein through eggs for their meals! - Keep an eye on our office display to see how many chickens we can get!


St Patrick’s Day March 17

Our Faith and Social Justice, Community and Wellbeing school leaders will accompany Mrs Ferrari to the Cathedral on March 17 to celebrate the feast of St Patrick! To mark this special day all of our students may wear their school uniform with a touch of green!


Highlight this fortnight

Our whole school gathered for the beautiful Ash Wednesday Mass - where we received ashes on our foreheads. It was especially wonderful to have students lead the singing of our entrance hymn and reading at the Mass - well done! Father Jerome taught us to keep in mind the love for our neighbour as we start this Lenten Season of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.


Lent - Violet - Royalty and Mourning

The Sundays and weeks of Lent take us through the life of Jesus in the desert. Jesus fasted in the wild for 40 days and nights. We pray during this time as we prepare for Holy Week - when Jesus sacrificed His life to save us - and Easter - when He rose from the dead.



Masses - Term 1

3 March 9:15am - Year 1 Mass

10 March 9:15am - Staff Mass

17 March 9:15am - Year 3 Mass

24 March 9:15am - Foundation Mass

31 March 9:15am - Year 2 Mass



Loving God,

Help us to work together

to share what we have

so that everyone has what they need.

Help us to build a better world

where each of us can become the best person we can be. Amen