What’s Happening In Maths

Years 7 and 8 are now well into Maths Pathway and should be completing 6 modules a fortnight. Some of these will need to be completed for homework or in Coaching. If your child is struggling to complete 6 you may receive an email from their teacher to let you know. Ask your child to show you their Maths Pathway and add your email address to the parent portal to get regular updates on your child’s progress.

Year 7 and 8 have also started their Rich Tasks which are done once per cycle. For Year 7 this is NAPLAN preparation and for Year 8 these are STEM activities.


Year 11 and 12 are starting to prepare for their upcoming assessments and would have received a notification to this effect. Year 12 Advanced and Extension have a test in Week 6, Year 12 Standard 1 and 2 have a test in Week 8, Year 11 Standard have a test in Week 9, Year 11 Advanced/Extension will commence a mathematical investigation which is due in Week 10.


A reminder that your child needs their equipment every lesson, this includes a calculator. If your child needs a new calculator they can purchase one from the school office for $26. Also, Maths Tutorials are held three times per week, as follows;


Monday Lunchtime in T4

Tuesday 3:40 - 4:30 in the Resource Centre (Seniors)

Wednesday 3:40 - 4:30 in the Resource Centre


All are welcome and this is a great opportunity for students to get some extra one on one with a Maths teacher or to catch up on any outstanding classwork. We would love to see them there.



Amanda Brown | Mathematics Coordinator