What's Happening In RE

With the launch of the year well and truly in the distance, it has been really affirming look back and see how far we have already come in RE. The engagement and enthusiasm is evident in all the work being done in our RE classes. This week will give you a look at Years 7, 8 and 9. 


In Year 7, students have been given an initiation into what it means to belong to the Kildare Catholic College community. They have identified the common values that keep a community together such as tolerance, perseverance and kindness. These ideas then provide a lens for understanding the motivation of the Presentation Sisters who travelled from Ireland in 1874 to set up our school. 

Year 7 Our Shared Values



As part of the unit People of the Covenant, Year 8 students have come to a deeper understanding of covenant by reflecting on their own journeys. In the Bible, a covenant, which is defined as a contract or promise between God and his people, also involves a journey. Abraham leaves his house in Ur for a land that God would show him and Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt to journey through the desert for forty years towards a promised land. With God we are often called to leave something behind that weighs us down, limits our freedom and prevents us from living life to the full. Can you see God’s hand in your life journey?


Year 8 Life Journey


Year 9 have been learning about Justice and Peace. We all want to live in harmony with ourselves, our neighbour, God and His creation. The students identify how injustice is the source of conflict and research areas where peace may be obtained by establishing a fairer society. One way they have done this is by imagining a new Australian flag that represents the important contribution of indigenous Australian people and culture. 


Year 9 Flags for Justice



David Chaston | Religious Education Coordinator