Technology at SJW

St Joseph the Worker appreciates the effort to fundraise by our P&F. Funds raised recently have contributed to the purchases of a range of new resources to engage and accelerate student learning within the Technologies learning area.
Purchases so far include a range of new digital technologies for use across Foundation – Grade 6. These resources include new ipads for junior levels and also include:
12 Sphero BOLT Robotics – one of the best robotic devices for learning!
Sphero BOLT enables students to learn about hands on block and text based coding which allows the development of computational thinking skills. This aligns to technologies and mathematics curriculum. There are a range of learning opportunities for students to interact with sphero, including designing solutions to real world challenge and expressing their learning through prototyping ideas. These devices connect easily to software loaded on student laptop devices and ipads.
We have also purchased new ipads to make a full class set which will allow the junior levels to also use the codable lego and Sphero in the simple block and draw function.
12 LEGO Essential Spike Prime Kits for versatile use across levels. These are codable Lego kits which include microprocessors, designed for experiential ‘hands on’ learning to practice core thinking skills including system, design and computational thinking. Students can imagine, design and block cod prototype solutions to address real world issues.
Some examples of skills learned include:
- Decomposing and breaking problems into smaller part
- Debugging to investigate and find solutions.
- Recognizing patterns and using block code in different contexts
- Creating algorithms or short programs to instruct a device to perform an action
Furthermore, these resources create opportunities for students to develop essential 21st century learning skills such as collaborating and communicating in design teams, practicing being creative, taking risks and innovating with technology to discover more about what they can do. Lastly, skill development aligns perfectly with our school dispositions for learning.
New resources are stored safely, and bar coded for borrowing within our library system.
An exciting addition to our Technologies learning resources includes a 3D printer for students to experience emerging technology. SLA students created products for our Kidpreneur Program last year and designed their 3D models in a free online modelling tool ‘Tinkercad’ These opportunities will continue in 2023.
During Discovery this term, we have introduced a Design and Technologies mobile ‘Makerspace’ resource located in the library whereby Foundation students work with their Grade 6 buddies to explore materials and experience sensory exploration of their properties (e.g. hard, soft, flexible). A mobile ‘Makerspace’ is a best practice approach to teaching Technologies for junior levels and addresses the misconception commonly held that to participate in Technologies learning requires a digital device.
Students have expanded their descriptive vocabulary of materials while creating a design brief. In partnership with their buddies, students are designing a sensory window using materials they discover, touch and describe.
The sequence of images below shows the process steps in this Makerspace design task. Students tune in through a rich text “Windows’ to stimulate thinking and wondering which leads to wondering, questioning and then brainstorming, a phase of finding out and sorting out which allows students to go further and begin to imagine and sense, what they could experience, see and feel through their own sensory windows.