2023 Important Dates

Friday 17th March              Naplan 

                                                  National Day of Action Against Bullying



Monday 20th March           Naplan


Tuesday 21st March            School Tour - 9.00am

                                                    Harmony Day - Don't forget to wear something orange

                                                    Naplan - Catch Up Tests


Wednesday 22nd March     Naplan - Catch Up Tests

                                                    Book Fair @ Lunchtime with Rosa


Thursday 23rd March          Book Fair after school - 3.30 - 5.00

                                                    Assembly @ 2.45pm

                                                    Naplan - Catch Up Tests


Friday 24th March                Book Fair @ recess with Rosa

                                                   Naplan - Catch Up Tests


Wednesday 29th March      School Tour @ 9.00am

                                                    Reconciliation @ 6.00pm


Wednesday 5th April             Last Day of Term 1 - Students finish @ 1.15pm

                                                     3 Way Conversations - 2.00pm - 5.30pm (Online)


Thursday 6th April                  3 Way Conversations - 8.45am - 1.15pm (On site)


Friday 7th April                         Good Friday


Monday 10th - Friday 21st April -  School Holidays


Monday 24th April                   School Closure - Professional Learning Day


Tuesday 25th April                    ANZAC Day Public Holiday


Wednesday 26th April              Students back to school


Monday 1st May                        St Joseph the Worker Feast Day - Mass at 9.10am


Thursday 11th May                  Mother's Day Stall


Friday 12th May                        Mother's Day Mass 9.10am followed by morning tea


Saturday 27th May                   Eucharist 12.30pm


Monday 12th June                    King's Birthday


Tuesday 13th June                    School Closure Day


Wednesday 14th June             School Closure Day


Friday 23rd June                        End of Term 2