In Memorium

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and former colleague,
Mrs Melina Alessi after a short illness.
Throughout the many years Melina worked with us as a CRT and Grade 6 classroom teacher, she always demonstrated her passion for teaching with a smile and warm heart. Melina had a great sense of humour, especially on a Friday as she danced her way into the staffroom for our weekly rain dance ritual. She would do anything to help a colleague and was missed when she moved onto new adventures in 2014.
We ask that you pray for her family, especially her husband and two beautiful girls as they begin to navigate this world without her.
Vale Melina Alessi- we were blessed to have known you and work with you at St Joseph the Worker.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. Amen