SLA News

Who am I and how do we know? 

SLAs major literacy task this term has been our News Reports.  We started our news reports after seeing a competition on BTN. The competition involved reporting on something that is happening or something that has happened in our local community. To create this new report students have planned and written a script, practised writing professional emails to ask different people if they could be interviewed, negotiating and allocating tasks and finally filming and editing a news report. The students have done some excellent work. Some topics that have been mentioned are; how the dispositions in our school were created, how Sally and Rhoe created Banana Bucks in the classroom, the story of the chickens at SJW and what the effects of all the road works are having on the local community. SLA have worked extremely hard on these reports and they should be very proud of themselves. 


In Maths we are shifting focus to engage with more spontaneous risk taking and problem solving using vertical spaces. In addition, small group math focus groups are enabling students to excel in targeted learning topics




We have also spent time learning about materials, textures and the design process with our buddies in Discovery with Rosa