Year 5 Report
Term 1 2023
Year 5 Report
Term 1 2023
Welcome Grade 5 parents! We hope you had a great break and we look forward to working with you all this year!
In Reading this term, students will spend some time looking at persuasive texts. We will focus on the structure of the text, as well as some of the language features that the author uses to persuade the reader. We will also learn about the Question-and-Answer Relationship or QAR. The QAR looks at the different question types that we can be asked and how to go about answering them. This will come in handy for our students with NAPLAN this term in week 7.
In Writing we will be focusing on Persuasive texts. We will follow the 5 Stages of Writing; Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing. We will implement what we have learned about text structure and language features in order to develop strong arguments supported by evidence.
In Maths we will begin the term looking at Place Value. We will continue to develop our knowledge of renaming numbers which we will then use to help us when solving problems requiring us to calculate more or less than a given number. As our knowledge of Place Value continues to grow, we will apply this knowledge to help us solve more complicated maths problems. We will also have an ongoing focus on Skip Counting and Times Tables. Any time you can spend practicing these skills at home will help the students enormously in the classroom.
This term in Inquiry we will have a focus on being healthy, safe and active as well as developing positive relationships at school and within the community. Students will look at the different aspects of being healthy and develop their own personal health goal. We will also spend time towards the end of the term completing a research project on an area of health.