Student Wellbeing

St Joseph's - Safe, Inclusive and Respectful Learning Environments 


MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools) document, Horizons of Hope: Wellbeing (2017) explain that all catholic Schools are required to demonstrate a commitment to creating safe, supportive, inclusive and hope-filled learning environments of welcome where human dignity is respected, diversity and inclusiveness are valued and authentic relationships are fostered. This is a learning environment which nurtures the wellbeing of every child in a MACS school, ‘their unique story, giftedness and temperament must be understood and valued in a way that enables love, respect, compassion, forgiveness and hope to thrive’ 

(HoH: Wellbeing, 2017, p.3)


Staff and students of St Joseph's School are currently revamping and co-designing a number of strategies, tools and areas within each of our learning spaces to ensure students feel included, valued, safe, respected and enabled to perform at their best and to be 'Ready To Learn'. 

As stated in  eXcel: Wellbeing for Learning (MACS, 2018, p.12), under the 'Enable' Dimension, when students are given the opportunity to co-create an explicit wellbeing agenda and are empowered to identify and access strategies, tools and resources that nurture their own wellbeing, this student voice and agency in developing the necessary conditions for their learning allows them to  enhance their capacity to engage more fully in their learning and ultimately to flourish.  When students are involved in helping to put these structures and spaces in place, they feel feel a sense of control and agency over their own self-regulation. 


Here are some of the structures and strategies being trialled in each of the spaces to assist in safe, inclusive and positive learning spaces: 

Daily Visual Timetables : 

These create visible signage viewable across the day for all students that provide clear communication to students on what's happening at each time of the day.  These create a predictable routine and mentally prepares them for what to expect for the day ahead and the teachers they are likely to have across that day.  


Brain Breaks: 

The use of a bank of brain breaks suggested by the students to act as a re-set button for learners during periods of focused study has been a strategy to help learners in regaining focus for increased productivity and greater engagement in their learning. Based on the Pomodoro Technique, used since the 1980s with university study, it involves a period of productive work, followed by a short 5 minute break, a process that can then be repeated throughout the day. Although, our classrooms involve active, engaging learning tasks and flexibility in where and how they can choose to work within flexible open learning facilities, the research clearly explains the benefits of 

brain breaks that are student-selected and offer a variety of forms involving active brain breaks eg. short games to stretch our bodies, calming brain breaks eg. yoga or breathing activities, mindful activities eg meditation and interoceptions (brain food, toilet and drink breaks) to bring the students' attention back to the present and to enable improved focus and being 'Ready To Learn'. 


Designated Calm Space:

Co-designed by the students in each space, a calm space provides an inclusive, enabling learning area for students who need support in self-regulating, to enable them to be ready and able to learn. Time in the calm corner is asked for by the student and timed. These are often equipped with some cushions or comfortable 

furniture eg. beanbag, a number of TOOLS (not toys) eg. fidget and sensory tools, breathing tools, picture books on emotions, posters, colouring mandalas, paper to draw on, blocks and puzzles. It also provides an offshoot quiet working space for students when required.  

Happy, Healthy Kids PARENT COURSE

Acclaimed Social and Emotional Teacher Educator, Louise Middleton, director of Happy Healthy Kids, has released a brand-new Parent Social-Emotional Learning Program aimed at helping parents support their child who may be experiencing symptoms of stress, worries or anxiety, or for children who may just need help boosting their resilience and coping strategies.

See the brochure below for details: 

To read article about Tips for Helping Your Child Settle into the School Year 

click the link below 

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any assistance in supporting your child's wellbeing.  I am available on Fridays during the school day or via the email below.  


Warm Regards,

Jenny Todd

(Student Wellbeing Leader)