Flourishing In 2023

Shine like a rainbow in 1/2

In 1/2, we have been exploring the Faith Based Inquiry topic of 


Our big question is : 

How do our Catholic Values inspire and allow us to be active participants in our community?


We have been introduced to Genius Hour, a time where we pursue our passions and look at the big wide world around us. We explore our wonderings and unique interests in a fun and engaging way. We have formed our big questions and are now in the process of studying and getting information. Our goal at the end is to produce or create something that will teach others about our learning. We love Genius Hour because we get to use chrome books, research and be creative with our learning. 


Here are some of our WONDERINGS.

                                                                                     How are icebergs formed? (Toby) 

Why do different countries have different money? (Dallas)

How do filmmakers edit movies? (Myles) 

Who was the first person to do a cartwheel?(Zara) 

How do artists learn to draw animals? (Skyla) 

How were laptops made? (Ethan)

How do you train horses to jump? (Evie)  

How do you solve a rubik's cube? (Malakai) 




We have been exploring Place Value. We have learnt lots of fun games that you can play at home to keep practicing the skills of counting and partitioning. We know that partitioning is when you break numbers apart to work with the ones, tens and/or hundreds of that number. For example, the number 15 can be broken into 5 ones and 1 ten. 1 ten is the same as ten ones. Therefore 10 + 5 = 15. 

The game that we loved playing this week was called “Minute to Win It"  This was such a fun way to practice partitioning a collection.


Social and Emotional Learning 

We love working together! In our Social and Emotional Learning we have been focusing on recognising our emotions and experiences that cause different emotions.  We are learning what qualities make a good friend and different strategies that we can use to make sure that everyone feels like they are special and that they belong.