Learning and classes

Curriculum Structure

The school is organised into Junior, Middle and Senior sub-schools in which curriculum and pedagogy are driven by the latest research about girls’ education with the goal of guiding each student towards their full potential.


The College incorporates the individuality of students through inclusive, differentiated methods and practice of teaching that builds student choice into programs to reflect the varying and growing autonomy of the learners. 


The College proudly incorporates and embeds:

  • Programs that affirm the role of young women in a changing society through access to role models, explicit learning units, curriculum focus, leadership roles and an affirmative culture.
  • Data-informed teaching and learning programs to meet learners at their individual point-of-need in subjects, with identification of each learner’s abilities in a range of areas, to deliver differentiated learning in an inclusive environment.
  • Regular feedback from staff, peers, and self to guide learning and develop skills for effective attainment of goals.
  • Rigorous and engaging curriculum that applies the Victorian Curriculum standards, the VCE and the MGSC instructional model for best practice and proven current theories on girls’ learning, social and developmental needs.
  •  A learning environment based on respect, responsibility, rights and self-efficacy, made explicit through classroom culture and school structure.
  • Specialised focus on the STEAM subjects to encourage girls’ participation and success in these fields.
  • Extensive programs in music, sport, and arts to foster the development of the whole person.
  • A camps program to build relationships and develop an ethos of respect, responsibility, and rights.
  • Learning in purpose-built environments with authentic learning experiences and specialised technologies.
  • Examinations from Year 9 to develop study skills and time management.
  • Course and careers counselling programs to connect girls with the world of work and the range and requirements of careers and pathways.

Year 7  Curriculum Structure

Year 8 Curriculum Structure

The Enhancement Program

The Enhancement Program is designed to engage girls whose need for an academic challenge is greater than the average. It aims to foster the development of a life-long interest in learning that will extend far beyond the VCE.


The program offers extension studies in English, Mathematics, Humanities, and Science and focuses on the use of rich tasks and inquiry-based learning. The instrumental music program is incorporated into Enhancement too.


These students work at greater depth and have many opportunities to pursue their interests within each unit of study. They take a deeper look at their topics and make more connections between their studies and the world beyond the classroom. They are encouraged to see how their subjects connect to each other instead of thinking of them as isolated.


The program runs from Year 7 to Year 9. Students who have taken part are able to participate in multiple Unit 1 & 2 subjects in Year 10.

The Music Program

A formal music education is proven to lead to better academic results, improved confidence and self-esteem, and personal growth and social development. Our College is very proud of its extensive music program.


Year 7 and 8 students learning brass, woodwind or percussion can elect to be in a music specialist class (known as a Band Form) where all of their classmates also learn musical instruments.


Instrumental Music tuition is offered across the full range of orchestral instruments. All instrumental music students participate in one of our high performing ensembles. These groups perform at school events, concerts, assemblies, community events, and local festivals. They regularly participate in competitions and workshops. Music students from Year 8-12 also have the opportunity to attend our annual music camp.

STEAM & Emerging Technologies 

We offer a broad range of STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths). Science is a compulsory subject in Years 7 to Year 10. 


There are a range of VCE Class Science classes such as Environmental Science, Physics, Biology, Psychology, and Chemistry.

Arts & Technology

Visual Art, Performing Arts, and Technology are part of the core curriculum in Years 7 and 8. Year 9 students are required to select at least one subject from the arts and technology subject areas. 

Year 7

Year 8

 Music (whole year)

Art (whole year)

Fashion Technologies (1 semester)

Drama (1 semester)

 Digi Tech (whole year)

 Music (whole year)

Art (1 semester)

Product Design - Wood (1 semester)

 Drama (1 semester)

Food (1 semester)



The College offers two languages - Japanese and French. The study of a language is compulsory in Years 7 and 8 and becomes an elective in Year 9.