Year 3

Ms Scott, Ms Wijesuriya, Ms Avramov and Ms Marshall

Hello wonderful Year 3 families. We are thrilled to say that all Year 3 students have had an excellent start to the term. We are so proud of the way all students have shown kindness and been inclusive of others and think it is safe to say all students have made some great friends since the start of the year.


Compass Emails

The Compass email is a great tool to contact your child’s class teacher if you have a quick question or message. You can find a link to email your child’s teacher on your child’s Compass page.  It should be noted that teachers are unable to check these emails during the school day so if the message is urgent it is best to send a note or call the School Office. Teachers aim to respond to emails within two working days. 



Our Specialist classes are up and running. Our four specialist classes this semester are Visual Arts, Science, Innovation & Design and P.E. 

  • P.E. - Please wear shoes that you can play sport or run around in
  • Art - Please send to school an art smock for painting sessions (to be kept in class)

 The Year 3 Specialist timetable is as follows:








Innovation & Design


Visual Arts





Innovation & Design

Visual Arts



Innovation & Design



Visual Arts



Innovation & Design



Visual Arts



In Year 3 we started the year on a positive note with all students participating in our ‘Start up program’. During this program, we kept busy with lots of getting to know you games that worked on building relationships, unpacking our school values of ‘Respect, Learning Together, Zest and Kindness’, and setting up our classroom expectations. We discussed what it means to be a good student, reader, writer, and math worker and the students came up with some brilliant ideas.


In Reading we are reading the book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and the students are enjoying the different solving words strategies that we have covered. Students have been working on identifying syllables, listening out for onomatopoeia as well finding interesting adjectives.


In Writing, we have been focusing on narrative writing and what makes a good narrative. Students have been learning about the correct structure, including the use of paragraphs as well as using interesting language.


 In Numeracy, we have been working on place value, with students playing games and doing lots of hands-on activities to consolidate their knowledge. We are also working on mapping and coordinates and the students did a great job of mapping our classrooms.

In Inquiry, students have learnt about what democracy is and why it is important. We have also been learning about rules and laws and why they are essential.


In Personal and Social sessions we have been learning about our personal strengths and how they make us special and unique. We are also working on identifying and naming our emotions as well as coming up with some strategies to help us when we are not feeling our best.