Office News & Reminders

Reminders from the Classroom



  • Friday March 3rd - Gilgai Community Picnic 
  • Monday March 13th - Labour Day (no school) 
  • Tuesday March 21st - Harmony Day 
  • Friday March 24th - Curriculum Day 
  • Thursday April 6th - Last Day of Term / Easter Hat Parade 



Our incredible canteen is up and running. You are able to purchase lunch orders for your child via the FlexiSchools app. Please note that lunch orders will come at lunch time and your child will still need to have brain food and snacks for the first half of the day. 


Teachers have been having conversations with students about not sharing food or money. Please ensure you are also having conversations with your child about not taking or offering food or money during play times. 


Brain Food

During our first week of school each class spoke about what brain food is and why it is important. Please ensure your child has fresh fruit or vegetables to eat during our brain food times. Please note that items such a yoghurt, dried or processed fruits, and other items will need to wait until snack times to be consumed. Please feel free to chat with your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions.


Attendance and Lateness

Every day is full of very important learning opportunities for your child. It is very important that your child attends school everyday. We understand that sometimes your child may be unwell and need to stay home. If your child is absent due to medical or personal reasons, please contact the school office or upload your child’s absence onto Compass. 

Students are able to start entering the classroom when the building doors are opened by the lovely Foundation staff at 8.50 am. Our learning time begins at 9 am and rolls are marked promptly by this time to make sure that learning can begin on time. If your child arrives after the 9:00 am bell, please go through the school office to get a late pass before your child goes to their classroom. 



Our school is a SunSmart school. This means that in Term 1 and Term 4, all students are required to wear hats at recess and lunch time. If your child does not have a hat, they will be redirected to play in the shade. 


iPads & Headphones

Please ensure your child is bringing their iPad to school, charged, every day for students in Years 1 to 6. We also encourage students to please bring headphones and keep them in their tubs. 



A Seesaw QR code has now been sent home in your child’s black reader bag. This QR code will connect you to your child’s Seesaw learning journal so that you can see the learning that they do in the classroom. You are more than welcome to like and comment on their work. Instructions on how to connect are on the note with the QR code on it, but if you have any further questions, please ask your child’s classroom teacher. 


Home Reading and Reader Bags

The students have now started home reading. Every student is required to have a reader bag to ensure our books are kept safe. If your child does not have a reader bag, they will be unable to take home books to read. If you do not own, or have misplaced, the Gilgai Reader Bag, they are available to purchase from the uniform shop for $10, or a protective pocket will be ok to use as well. We ask that the reader bags are brought to school every day, with the student diary in it so that teachers can check them when needed.