Year 5 & 6

Ms Hall, Ms Riolo, Ms Armstrong and Ms Hicks 

It has been fantastic to see all of the year 5/6  students settling into their new classes. Lots of new friendships have been made which means lots of learning together! 


The 5/6s are super excited to lead our school this year and can't wait for all of the exciting new things they are going to learn and achieve! 

Learning in 5 & 6



In literacy students have been learning about the text structure and language features of a narrative. Students have learnt that every narrative has a beginning, middle and end. They have also learnt that using adjectives in their writing will help keep the reader engaged in their story. Teachers have been working really hard to read with every student individually to help set personal reading goals students can practice during their read to self time. 



This term in numeracy students have been working on their place value skills. Students have used their knowledge of place value to learn together through place value games such as master mind and place value paths. They also demonstrated their place value skills through a stadium task where they needed to order the capacity of stadiums and add numbers together to find the total number of seats the stadiums in Australia can hold. 


Civics and Citizenship

In Inquiry students sparked their curiosity through provocations about our Government. Students looked at pictures of Australian politicians and sorted through different services that fall under the three levels of government (local, state and federal). Students also participated in finding the definition of new words such as monarchy and democracy to add to their classroom word walls.  


Social and Emotional

Throughout the first week of Term 1 students participated in a variety of lessons where we looked at each of the school values and how we can demonstrate these values at GPPS. Students also discussed what it means to be a good leader and how they are going to be the role models of our school. 


In Weeks 2 and 3 during our social and emotional lessons students have been looking at the Australians guide to healthy eating food circles. Students listed foods we should be eating lots of and food we should only eat sometimes. Classes discussed the importance of healthy eating and why it's important to have a healthy diet.