From the Principal 

Welcome to our February newsletter.


We have had a great start to the year, welcoming many new families to our Gilgai community. When I walk into the classrooms, I love seeing the enormous smiles on our children’s faces and how well they have settled into learning. They are making new friends and building connections with their teacher. We work hard to ensure that our school is a safe environment where children can be supported in their learning and strive to achieve their very best.


The leadership team at Gilgai Plains Primary have one ultimate goal - that every student has positive learning outcomes in their academic, and social emotional growth. The leadership team’s responsibility is to support, develop and work with staff and parents, to ensure this goal is met. They play such an important part in making our Gilgai Plains Primary, the very best school for your child.


I would like to introduce you to this special group of educators, who I am so proud to work with.



I am extremely proud of my two wonderful sons who are now grown and are building their own path in this world. I am also very lucky to be a grandmother of a beautiful little boy and a little girl. I spend much of my time outside of school visiting and building special memories with them both, this includes spoiling them when I can. I have extensive knowledge and skills in the area of curriculum and student wellbeing. It is important to promote the social and emotional development and wellbeing of all students, and ensure that schools are a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment for all.

Lisa Stafford - Assistant Principal Wellbeing & Operations


As a mother of a nearly 2 year old girl, most of my weekends are spent at parks, playgrounds, swimming pools or doing any activity that helps keep her growing mind and body busy. I am extremely passionate about continuing to research and extend my understanding about the most effective teaching and learning practices to support children in developing solid literacy and numeracy skills. 

Emily Hyde - Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning 


I have a life long passion of working with young people and supporting the development others to be the best version of themselves. Outside of work I still play and coach sporting teams, l like to travel and spend time with my family and friends. I am a soon to be father which is a very exciting yet scary next step in life. As the Leading Teacher my role is support, mentor and build the capacity of our teachers to improve teaching and learning through data and best practice. I also lead student engagement at Gilgai, working with our student leaders to support all students to have a voice in making our school a place they our proud to call their own.

Scott Woolcock - Leading Teacher


I am passionate about developing a supportive culture where students have a voice and are able to achieve success in their learning. I love talking with students and developing a community where they feel safe and able to learn by taking risks and making mistakes. Outside of school, I love to travel and have spent the last two decades travelling around Australia and overseas to many different places on my ‘bucket list’ – and there are a lot more locations I still want to visit! My role as Learning Specialist this year is to support and work alongside our teachers as they aim to develop, engage and motivate each of our students to achieve success in their learning.

Candice Huntly – Learning Specialist Literacy / EAL (English as Additional Language)


I am a mother of two boys and two dogs. I love spending time with my family outdoors, especially at the beach, listening to music and cooking. I am very passionate about continuing to grow in my understanding and knowledge. I am genuinely excited for the opportunity to learn something new each day. This curiosity and thirst for knowledge is what drives my work in developing students who are able to question, problem solve and explain their thinking. In my role as Learning Specialist, I work with both students and teachers to improve teaching and learning, to ensure all students grow in the learning and are supported and challenged.

Tenielle Bennett – Learning Specialist Numeracy