Home-School Communication

Teachers are available for a brief chat for before or after school, however if you wish to discuss a matter that requires focused discussion, please ask to make a time with the teacher to meet, so that it can be given full attention. 


We ask parents to be mindful that staff meetings are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays  from 3:30pm. Teachers will not be available for meetings after school on these days. 


Making a time to meet face to face with a teacher/member of the leadership team is the best way to discuss matters and work together. However teachers and school leaders can also be contacted via email using their first initial and surname followed by @smhampton.catholic.edu.au.  Staff endeavour to reply to emails within 48 hours during school days. Please be mindful that teachers are teaching in classrooms for most of the day so are not able to immediately reply. If it is an urgent matter, please contact the school office on 9521 9335 or office@smhampton.catholic.edu.au.


Seesaw is the main means of communication between school and home. 

Seesaw is used as the primary means of sharing what is happening in your child's classroom on a weekly basis. Teachers make weekly posts regarding key learning as well as information about upcoming events related to your child's class.  Important information about school events will also be posted regularly on Seesaw.


Students also use Seesaw as a digital portfolio, enabling them to share their learning with their family and for parents and carers to give positive feedback to their child. As students can view their own seesaw page, we ask parents to ensure that comments are encouraging. 


Please note that if you wish to contact a staff member please use email rather than the message function on Seesaw.


Please speak to your child's teacher if you need assistance in connecting to your child's class.


The school Newsletter is published fortnightly on a Friday via Seesaw. This newsletter is a major communication link between school and home and contains information about upcoming events, learning news from across the school and other matters we wish to bring to your attention. 


Permission forms for excursions and other off-site activities are sent out via Operoo. Operoo is used for signing up as a parent helper for excursions or indicating parent attendance at parent and family education nights throughout the year. Operoo also keeps on record medical and emergency contact details.