Community & Communications

Parent/Carer Volunteer Induction Sessions

We will be holding 2 Parent/Carer Volunteer Induction Sessions in March.

  • Monday 19th March – evening session to be held at Bundoora Campus (Discovery Centre) at 5pm.
  • Tuesday 20th March – morning session to be held at Watsonia Campus (Multi-Purpose Room) at 9.15am.

Anyone wishing to volunteer at our school will be required to attend one of these sessions. Due to the OH&S aspect needing to be completed yearly, if you have attended a session last year, you will be required to stay for the initial part of the session only.


Sarah Abbott

Community and Communications Manager

School Nurse

Free Dental Check Up and Dental Treatment for Students.  Dental Health Services Victoria’s School Based, Special Services Dental Van will be commencing their services at Concord School at Concord School on Friday, 9thFebruary 2018.  The service will remain at Concord School for a number of months, even working during the school holidays.


A consent form was sent home with each student at the end of last year. If you have not yet returned the consent form to school and would like your child to have a free dental check-up, please ensure the completed form is sent back to school as soon as possible.


If you missed receiving the form, please contact the school nurse on 9467 3972 to request one.  

The School-Based Special Services Dental Team is a friendly, patient and highly experienced team consisting of a dentist, therapist and dental nurse.  They look forward to seeing your child for a FREE dental check-up.  Following the initial check-up, you will be advised of any dental treatment your child requires, for which you will need to give further consent. All dental treatment in the dental van is FREE of charge.


School Immunisation Program at Concord School in 2018

Please find listed the dates confirmed for immunization in 2018

Year 7

1st Human Papillomavirus                                            Thursday 3 May 2018

2nd Human Papillomavirus & Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Whooping Cough)       Wednesday 28 November 2018

Year 10

Meningococcal ACWY                                                 Wednesday 28 November 2018

Influenza Program

Influenza both campuses                                             Thursday 3 May 2018

Influenza Watsonia campus                                         Wednesday 13 June 2018


It is important that all consent cards are returned to school, regardless of consent being given as soon as possible. 


For further information about the school immunisation program the following websites are valuable resources:


If you have any direct queries about immunisation at Concord School please contact the Banyule City Council Health Services on 9457 9964. 


Student Medical Plans

Parents and carers of students with a health condition are required to provide the school with a current medical management/action plan, completed by the child’s physician, each year and with any changes that occur in the interim.  This includes action/management plans for asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, allergic reactions, stroke, heart conditions and other specific health conditions.  If your child has a specific health condition and you have not forwarded the school an updated medical management plan recently, or there have been changes in your child’s health management, please contact the school nurse on 9467 3972 to request the appropriate forms.

Please return completed medical action and management plans to the school nurse.

Thank you for your support.


Rosemary Van Aperen

School Nurse