
Library Resource Centre
The Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open for all students in Years 7 – 9. We have new books arriving all the time so come and check our display of new titles and speak to staff about how to register your reading. Try reading some of the titles that have been shortlisted for the upcoming Inky Awards - Australia’s only teen choice book awards. Young adults across Australia have the opportunity to vote for their favourite Young Adult book of the year in two categories - the Gold Inky for Australian fiction and the Silver Inky for International fiction. We have a range of books that have been listed and teenagers were given a chance to vote for their favourite books in late July.
As winter is upon us, a reminder to students that you are welcome in the Library during Lunchtimes. We have a range of board and card games for students to access including Mastermind, Guess Who, Battleship, Rush Hour and Uno. On a Monday at lunchtime, Mr Prasad operates Chess Club and will gladly challenge any students who think they can beat him!