Dates to Remember

Term 3, 2019
Thurs 8th August
- VTAC Parent Information Session - 6.30pm
Wed 14th August
- KSKK visitors depart
Wed 21st August
- School Council Meeting - 7.30pm
Thurs 29th August - Sat 31st August
- Musical Production
Thurs 5th September
- Y7 Celebration Evening 6.00-7.30pm
Fri 6th September
- Y10 Social - Sky High Restaurant
Thurs 12th September
- Parent/Teacher Interviews 12-8pm
Fri 13th September
- Cambodia Trip Trivia Night
Wed 18th September
- School Council Meeting - 7.30pm
Fri 20th September
- Y7 2020 Scholarship Applications Close
- Last day of Term 3
Mon 7th October
- 1st day of Term 4