Interact - MUNA

Fairhills High School Interact - MUNA
Ferntree Gully Rotary Club sponsored two of our students to attend MUNA at State Parliament recently. MUNA is a mock UN assembly, where students from different schools representing different countries debate resolutions that aim to make the world a better place. Sam Heydon and Jesse Elderhorst, who are both members of Interact at Fairhills, were given the country Jordan to represent. They both spoke on Resolutions, dressed up, interacted with the other students and most importantly had a great time.
The Interact Club at Fairhills High School, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fern Tree Gully consists of a group of community minded students who conduct projects to benefit local and international communities. As part of the relationship with Rotary, two students from the Interact club have just attended a two day development program called the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA).
MUNA is a Rotary program based on the United Nations Assembly. School teams are sponsored by Rotary Clubs and the event is held in the Legislative Assembly Chamber at Victoria's Parliament House. Students are given a country to represent and are required to dress according to that country's culture. In Fairhill's case, it was Jordan and they had to argue for or against certain resolutions requiring them to assume Jordan’s stance on issues rather than their own.
"These sessions at Parliament are open to the public and this year a number of members from the Rotary Club of Ferntree Gully and their teacher attended to see the students in action, watching them debating, speaking, following procedures etc. was magic. We came away confident that if our future is in the hands of these young people, there is certainly hope for Australia. Members of the Rotary Club of Ferntree Gully plan to continue offering Fairhills High the many excellent development programs Rotary has to offer.
Christine Anderson
President – Fern Tree Gully Rotary Club