Visual Arts

Art Department activities in Semester 1
This year we embarked on our first ever Year 11/12 VCD Camp to regional Victoria. It was such a fantastic experience to see the students engaging in art outside of the classroom and for them to develop their understanding of the world.
Day 1 – We travelled to Castlemaine Press for a printmaking workshop followed by a visit to Bendigo Art Gallery to see the Tudors of Windsors exhibition which linked to their assessment pieces.
Day 2 – It was cold, rainy and windy. However, it didn’t stop us from getting outdoors to appreciate some amazing Spanner sculptures and the Silo Art Trail. It was a day of photography and fun!
Day 3 - We started in picturesque Halls Gap as we appreciated wildlife and scenery surrounding us. We then visited Brambuk Cultural Centre for an Indigenous experience. Before the long drive home to Fairhills.
Thank you to all the staff members involved throughout the process to make this happen (Emma O’Connor, John Beard, Mel Nicholson & Carol Charles).
A huge thank you to the parents support for this excursion. The feedback from the kids was extremely positive. They said they had an awesome time.
Art Exhibition
The Year 11 Studio Art class had a mini exhibition in the gallery area near the General Office last term displaying various forms of art skills learnt this year.
The Hut Gallery – 2nd Prize (Junior Section)
Congratulations to our Year 10 student Regina Lu for her artwork titled 'Colours Of The Wind'. She won 2nd prize in the Junior Section of the competition and will receive $100 from Bendigo Bank.
Amy Matejka - Keech
KLA Arts Leader