Year 5 News

Year 5 News

As term 3 comes to a close, we reflect on the last few weeks and think about how much our students have achieved during remote learning.



In Maths, we have completed our unit on fractions and included some hands on, off-screen activities focusing on measurement and geometry with students constructing towers from paper and household materials. This got competitive, with some students creating towers that reached over 2m! 

Additionally, we did a fun ‘Titanic’ activity where students designed and constructed floating vessels capable of staying afloat with weight.   


We celebrated Book Week and enjoyed reading some of the shortlisted books. Students created their own narrative text using the theme ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. 

It was wonderful to see students escape our world and delve into their imagination to create some highly descriptive and engaging pieces. 





Students have focused on a potential business idea tapping into one of their passions or interests and developed a business plan complete with logo, tagline and advertising. Students will share their ideas in an ‘Online Trade Fair’ this Friday. We’re delighted that some students are so enthusiastic about their ideas that they are going to launch their own mini businesses in real life. Watch this space for the BNPS kidpreneurs!


Our wellbeing focus this term has been on mindfulness and gratitude. Mrs Patane provided the students with an informative session about ‘R U really Ok Day’. The students enjoyed some short videos and were asked to nominate a friend who makes them feel special and explain why this friend is important. They were also given the opportunity to reflect on and share trusted adults they can talk to when they need advice or support. 


The students enjoyed the opportunity to see a different teacher during our year level team meeting. Next week, Mrs Patane will be sharing some strategies for relaxation and being mindful.


Year 5 Camp

Whilst our Year 5 Camp has been rescheduled for December, we will still focus on a camp theme for next week and wrap up the term with some fun and hands on ‘camp based ‘ activities. 


We want to thank all the students and parents for their hard work in what has been a challenging and unexpected term and wish everyone a safe and happy break over the holidays, when they arrive!