
Japanese News



Online lessons never stop the students at BNPS from learning the language and culture of Japan! 


The Year 1 and 2 students have enjoyed listening and singing Japanese songs, the Year 3 students have created a new Japanese alphabet (in line with their unit of inquiry; Invention) and  the Year 4 students have started writing a greeting card to reply to their Japanese friends’ letter.






Year 5 and 6 students have enjoyed a Japanese trivia quiz on Tokyo Paralympic games and will experience Japanese sense of humour called RAKUGO.



Rakugo is a 300-400 year old tradition of comic monologue storytelling in Japan. A minimalistic performing art, Rakugo features a lone storyteller dressed in a kimono kneeling on a cushion using only a fan and a hand towel as props. There are currently over 700 professional storytellers practicing.


Laughter may be beneficial to your health

  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Eases anxiety and tension
  • Improves mood.


So, let’s enjoy Japanese RAKUGO! 


What is RAKUGO!?    


Katsura Sunshine’s RAKUGO



Stay safe and have a nice school holiday!





こうじせんせいKoji sensei