Middle School News

Studying Edward Scissorhands

Our Year 7 students have been studying the film Edward Scissorhands in English and have been working really well in identifying film techniques and understanding director decisions when creating gothic style films. 


Using their understanding of these ideas, students put together some wonderful costumes, along with special effects make-up, to re-create the main character, Edward. Prizes for best costume will be awarded.


Our students of 7A created their own Edward Scissorhands costumes and wrote an instructional guide for anyone hoping to follow their lead in creating their costume.  


Want to see some of their impressive costumes? Check out the work of students: Hayley J., Chloe L., Andrew A. and Tayah E. in the images below!


Rebecca McLay

English/Literature and Humanities Teacher

Nature's Art

Just prior to lockdown, our students in 8C Art went on a nature walk to collect materials to make ephemeral art.


What is ephemeral art?

Ephemeral Art is made with natural materials that are at hand. The artist constructs the sculpture anonymously and then walks away to leave the piece to be discovered. Part of the appeal of Ephemeral Art is that the viewer accidentally stumbles upon the art, and is left to wonder who made it, and why…………… 
Ephemeral Art cannot be bought, sold or traded, and the sculpture merges back into the environment as its materials gradually degrade. It represents the ephemeral nature of all things, but brings moments of joy……
Andy Goldsoworthy is considered the father of sculptures made from raw materials in their natural environment.


Michael Gillings, Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University Sydney Australia


The ephemeral art created by our Year 8C students didn't last forever, but their photos of their work will.



It is very important to make sure that even though we are learning remotely that we are still getting fresh air and exercise to keep our mind and body healthy and happy.   


Why not use your exercise time to go for a mindful walk? 


Go into the garden and collect stuff (ie. gum nuts, sticks, bottle tops or pieces of metal or rubbish). Use your collection to make something CREATIVE!! 

What can you do with it?

  • Make a picture in the dirt.
  • Get some glue and paste your pieces onto paper to create a scene.
  • create a garden sculpture.
  • make something useful you can use.
  • bind your bits together and hang on the fence
  • Just spend time focussing on your treasures and don't think about anything else.

How do you feel after you've been mindful?

Ahhh, another lockdown.  Sometimes, you just gotta find the humour... as our Year 7 student, Jordon Tay did during a recent check-in.