Staying Engaged Online
Staying Engaged in Online Learning
Some of us thrive working from home, but for many of us, it can be really challenging to stay motivated and engaged when learning remotely. Here are some reminders about ways to set yourself up for success in your learning… but remember, the most important things are to:
- Do your best, and
- Be kind to yourself when your best is not the same as what it might be at school.
- Sit at a desk, workspace or table and engage in the lesson as if you are at school.
- Make sure you have an appropriate learning background, particularly if live streaming audio or video.
- Be prepared with learning materials such as headphones, pens, paper, a calculator, workbooks, textbooks or novels.
- Make sure you have your device and that it is plugged in or charged.
- Open Compass to the relevant Lesson Plan and have any other relevant webpages open.
- Close all other apps and email while you are online. Disable other apps that use your camera.
Being Engaged
- Log onto Microsoft Teams at the start of the lesson and follow the teacher’s instructions regarding the roll marking. Communicate with your teacher throughout the lesson and seek help if required.
- Follow your teacher’s instructions about how to communicate and connect with them through Compass, Microsoft Teams or another platform.
- Some activities may still be handwritten, while others may be typed: complete your learning in the format requested by your teacher.
- If using online moderated chat, make sure you answer all questions directed to you and your class, and use the chat stream to ask any questions that will help you move forward in your learning.
- Listen to and follow your teacher’s instructions about how and where to submit evidence of your learning.
Being respectful
- Let your teacher know if you are leaving the learning space or going offline for some reason.
- Make sure your contributions are relevant, respectful and polite.
- Avoid interruptions to the learning.
Being accountable for your actions
- Inappropriate chat, contribution or lack of resources etc. will result in you being reminded about the required behaviour giving you an opportunity to behave appropriately.
- If you continue to behave inappropriately or act in unsafe way, then you will be removed from the lesson and the removal will be recorded in Compass for follow up by your teacher and co-ordinator.
- Notifications via Compass for non-submission of work will be used to communicate with parents if you are not submitted learning activities according to the teacher’s instructions.
After the Class
- Use the time in between classes to take a break, have a snack or lunch, go to the bathroom and get organised for your next lesson.
- You may like to keep a record of any questions to ask your teacher at the beginning of the following lesson.
- Talking about your learning with your parents or a family member can also help you to consolidate your learning.
How To Take Care of Yourself…
It’s unlikely that any one of us can do all the things on this list, but changing one or two things can make a big difference to how you’re feeling and how motivated you are. Consider which one or two things could make a big difference to your life right now:
- Get a good night’s sleep: aim for eight hours.
- Have a morning routine that includes a healthy breakfast.
- Keep a water bottle on your desk.
- If you can, keep your study space separate from other activities, so you don’t feel like you’re at school all the time
- Take breaks in between classes: walk around, go to the bathroom, have a snack, talk to a family member. Make sure you have recess and lunchtime.
- Exercise daily.
- Make time for friends and hobbies.
- Limit your screen time.
- Spend time connecting with the people living with you.
- Practice mindfulness.
- Practice good hygiene, like physical distancing and regular hand-washing with soap.
- Focus on positive news and events and how people are working together to make life better for others, and think about how you can make someone else’s day better.
- Talk to someone if you’re feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmed.
You can contact your teachers, including your DiSCovery teacher, if you need help working out how to feel better about your learning and your routines.
You can also contact a member of the school’s Wellbeing Team by texting or emailing your full name and form group to the
Wellbeing mobile number 0420 761 783
or email address:
This attachment provides a list of Student Support Services that might be helpful to you.
Elisha Sadikay
Assistant Principal