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Jackson School provides educational programs for students with mild intellectual disability (50-70 Full Scale Intelligence Quotient) and high needs.
By law in Victoria all children from the age of 6 up until they turn 17 years must be enrolled at a registered school or registered for home schooling unless they have a reasonable excuse. School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with a comprehensive educational program and access to support networks. It also helps to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and active participation in their local community.
Specialist schools, including Jackson School, have been established to cater for the specific educational needs of students with a disability or with additional needs. Under State and Federal discrimination law, specialist schools are permitted to set specific enrolment criteria and to not enrol students who do not meet these criteria.
The purpose of this policy is to specify the enrolment criteria for students seeking enrolment at Jackson School and the evidence required to support applications for enrolment.
It is intended to provide clarity for the local community on the enrolment criteria and ensure a smooth and supported transition for enrolling students.
Enrolment at Jackson School is based on a student’s disability and associated educational needs. Subject to capacity, student intake may be at any stage of the year, providing the student is of school age and satisfies the eligibility criteria. All applications for enrolment at Jackson School require regional approval.
Enrolment Criteria
The following enrolment criteria have been specified and approved by the Regional Director, South West Victoria Region (as the Minister’s delegate) under section 2.2.16(b) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic).
The enrolment criteria have been determined based on the identified education needs of students in the community. A student’s enrolment will be reviewed periodically in line with their needs.
Students seeking to enrol must have:
A diagnosis of Intellectual Disability from a registered psychologist evidenced by:
- Sub-average general intellectual functioning which is demonstrated by a full-scale score of two standard deviations or more below the mean score on a standardised individual test of general intelligence, (for example a full scale score of 70 or below on one of the recommended standardised individual tests of intelligence);
- Significant deficits in adaptive behaviour established by a composite score of two standard deviations or more below the mean on an approved standardised test of adaptive behaviour,(for example a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales composite score of 70 or below);
- A history and evidence of an ongoing problem with an expectation of continuation during the school years.
School specific enrolment criteria
- Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) between 50-70 indicating a mild intellectual disability
- Adaptive Behaviour Composite (ABC) Score below 70
Eligible students may enrol at any time during the school year. Students will commence once all documentation has been completed and the enrolment has been verified by the South West Victorian Regional Office.
Applications from students who do not meet the above criteria will be considered on a case-by- case basis by the region, in consultation with the Principal, in consideration of the student’s education and support needs. The Regional Director, South West Victoria Region must approve enrolments for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria.
Priority Order of Placement
In circumstances where the school may not have sufficient accommodation to be able to accept all applications from eligible students, the school will manage enrolment applications in accordance with the following priority order of placement:
- Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
- Students who reside nearest to the school. Getting to and from school for students with disability | Victorian Government
The school must ensure that all applicants eligible under the first criterion have been offered a place before moving to consideration of the second criterion.
Verification of permanent address
When assessing enrolment applications under the priority order of placement, Jackson School may ask for supporting documentation to assist them in verifying a student’s permanent residence.
Jackson School may request original or certified copies of rental agreements, unconditional contracts of sale or other official documentation that demonstrates permanent residence.
Documents should show the same address and parent’s/carer’s name as recorded on the school enrolment application form.
The school may also make the following enquiries to verify the information provided:
- checking the electoral roll at an Australian Electoral Commission office or the Victorian Electoral Commission head office
- checking with a real estate agent to confirm a rental address
- for a rental property which is a studio apartment or a one-bedroom unit, checking whether there are any regulations/codes limiting the occupancy of these apartments to one person per apartment.
The enrolment application may be unsuccessful if, after reasonable enquiries, the Principal is unable to verify that the evidence provided is genuine and valid. Applicants may then seek to appeal the decision according to the Appeal process outlined below.
Enrolment on compassionate grounds
In exceptional circumstances, a student seeking enrolment at Jackson School who meets the enrolment criteria may be approved by the Regional Director South West Victoria outside of the priority order of placement, based on compassionate grounds. This is an overarching consideration and does not form part of the priority order of placement. Further advice and support when considering applications on compassionate grounds is available on the Policy and Advisory Library and from regional staff.
Evidence and Supporting Information Requirements
To support a student’s application for enrolment, the following evidence and supporting information should be provided:
- A signed psychologist’s report from within the last 24 months reporting the results of an IQ test and assessment of adaptive behaviour.
The Department provides assessment services to support specialist schools in determining whether the student meets their enrolment criteria. Department regional offices also play a role in supporting specialist schools with enrolment processes.
NOTE: Enrolment applications may not be successful if the requested documentation is not provided or invalid.
Appeals Process
Parents/carers can appeal against the decision not to approve an enrolment by requesting a non-standard enrolment. This can occur in relation to enrolments at any age or year level. Further information on appeals can be found at Enrolment: Enrolment in specialist schools | education.vic.gov.au.
The Jackson School enrolment policy will be made available to the school community on the school’s website through our Policy Advisory Library (PAL) on iNewsletter.
Policy Approval and Renewal
Policy approved by | Principal on the 20th of February 2024 |
Next scheduled review date | 20th of February 2027 |