Wonder - Star of the Sea College

Our inspirational logo for 2021: ‘Embrace wonder, inspire change’, developed by our current student Liturgy and Social Justice Leaders, has given a clear focus for how we live and give expression to the theme of wonder at Star of the Sea College this year. Our student leaders, students and staff have found many ways to bring the theme of wonder to life through our annual theme launch, prayer, liturgies, justice initiatives, music festival and community events.
During retreat and reflection days students have enjoyed quiet time and space to explore the theme of wonder in a variety of ways including Wonder and Wisdom (Year 12), Wonder and Justice (Year 11), Wonder of Creation (Year 9), with many opportunities for reflecting on the wonder of God’s loving presence in the world.
As a community, we have acknowledged and celebrated Apology Day, Refugee Week, Reconciliation Week and Homelessness Week. Both the walls of our busy library corridor and the Trasna stairs have become focal points for expressions of our solidarity with and commitment to those made poor in our world. Mentor Groups and RE classes have put their faith into action in many activities to raise awareness and funds for organisations including Wellsprings for Women, Presentation Family Centre, Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project, St Kilda Mums, St Kilda Gatehouse, Big Group Hug and the Presentation Wilderness Project.
Our annual Nano’s Walk on Foundation Day in Term 1 was a celebration of walking in the footsteps of Nano Nagle to support Project Compassion and other justice projects. The sense of wonder and anticipation was palpable at the drawing of our annual Nano’s Walk Raffle which was made possible by the generosity of so many community members who donated prizes and bought tickets. Another highlight of Term 1 was the music festival where the many talents of our students combined for a truly awe-inspiring evening of song, dance, music and a joyous celebration of Star spirit.
The 2021 Sacred Heart Mission Appeal, launched at our Sacred Heart Liturgy in Term 2, focused on the experience of vulnerable people being assisted by Sacred Heart Mission to move into independent accommodation. The appeal theme, ‘Make a House a Home’, invited us to reflect with gratitude on all that we have, to develop empathy for the experience of those made poor in our world and to think deeply about the small things that make home life comfortable. The generous donation of hampers of household goods by Star of the Sea Mentor Groups and staff showed that Nano’s spirit of loving service continues to inspire us today.
The spirit of wonder and awe at God’s loving presence in our lives continues to inspire the Star of the Sea College community to live justly and act for peace in our world.
Donna Neander
Head of Mission and Identity