Technology Design

Year 9 Textiles and Fashion
Year 9 Textiles & Fashion students completed their AT2 Surface Fabric treatment experiments via remote learning to produce creative fabric treatments experiments. Students were given the task to search around the home to see what fabric treatments that they could apply to fabric. It was a real challenge for some, due to a shortage of fabric at home, but this didn't deter and check out what some students found to complete their experiments at home with. Accessing dye was another challenge but the Year 9 students did a super job of using food dyes, spices, vegetable and fruit dyes focussing on eco-friendly fabric dyeing. Another challenge was to find the equipment they needed; card board - some used cereal boxes to create their stencil cut outs. The techniques that they had to explore were sticky tape stencilling, tie dye and stencils. The final task was to place their chosen surface fabric treatment onto their tote bag.
Well done for being so resilient and creative and not letting remote learning get in the way of being creative and original.
AT1 Fast Fashion Part 2 'Generate'
Students in Year 9 Textiles and Fashion were researching and investigating Fast Fashion.
Part 1 was completed during Term 2 where the students learnt a great deal about the Fast Fashion industry.
Investigate the fashion industry and assess the current global issues around Fast Fashion.
- Write a short definition of Fast Fashion.
- Write an in depth analysis of the issues surrounding Fast Fashion, it’s production processes and social, ethical and sustainability issues.
- Research and examine some alternatives.
Write a discussion about how fashion designer/s are dealing with those issues.
Part 2 they generated amazing croqui outfit designs taking into consideration the social, economical and environmental factors.
Generate your own design and explain how this solution considers social, ethical or sustainable production process and explain your products Life Cycle.
- Use a croquis to create a fashion illustration to visualize your design in an outfit.
Use colour pencils or watercolour paints, and fine liner. Complete this in your Visual Diary, scan your visualisation to hand in with the assignment. - Annotate your design to explain the social, ethical or sustainable production processes.
- Complete the ECO Design Spec Sheet on at least one garment. Complete this in your Visual Diary, scan your Spec Sheet to hand in with the assignment.
- Use the Eco Design quick guide to reference Materials, Pattern Making, Construction, Labelling, Packaging and Finishing Processes
Well done to Semester 2 Year 9 Textiles and Fashion class for working so hard and productively to produce such high quality, creative and interesting work.
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
Food Technology
Students in Year 8 have been sharing their passion for sustainability and the impact that plastic and other resources have on our future. As a Technology subject, Food students are required to investigate sustainability and ethical issues that our society is faced with, hoping to educate and provide a better future.
The following videos are students reading their essays to you. We hope that they provoke thought and challenge you on what preconceived ideas of plastic you may have. Each student has picked a point of view on their thoughts on plastic and its use in packaging. It has been a joy to observe our strong willed and open-minded Year 8 students speak their minds throughout this assessment.
Kirby Sens
Art & Technology Teacher
Noodles Across Nations
Year 9 Gourmet Traveller students are currently exploring Noodles Across Nations. This assessment starts with learning to write a design brief to incorporate inspiration from a range of different cultures, flavours and concepts. Here are a few examples of Mood boards/Inspiration pages where students have tried to capture the feeling of the dishes they want to create. This could be a fusion of flavours across different cultures or possibly a deep exploration of the flavours from traditional dishes.
This is an integral part of the design process to allow students to use design thinking to go broad prior to narrowing their focus after their exploration. Students currently taking this class will also be writing their own recipes to create their designed solution.
Kirby Sens
Art & Technology Teacher
Food Technology - Year 8B
The theme in Food Technology for the last week has been Iconic Australian Food and my Year 8s have embraced it, sending me photos of family dinners and treats they have prepared and baked.
Food and Photography
Lily Harris in 8B has been capturing her food practical tasks in these beautiful flat lay photography compositions. Photography is a huge element in advertising food. If you think about it, without it - we wouldn't know anything about the feeling or flavour of a dish! These are often intentionally staged in food photography to entice the audience to sample the dish. Here Lily has captured the warmth and comfort of this giant baked pancake that she made in response to a brief given in her class. She also considered how she plated it, with beautiful fresh berries and consideration of a fun and playful serving, with berries bouncing off the pancake enticing us to dive in! Lily has used a consistent backdrop in her kitchen to connect all the images and process photos together along with diffused natural lighting, this elevates her photographs to magazine quality.
Kirby Sens
Art & Technology Teacher
Toast Art
How different can a slice of toast be! I set my Year 8 students a fun challenge to create some Toast Art. As you can see, we have such creative students!
Anna Buzzi
Food Technology Teacher
New and fun holiday activities
If you feel like some free cooking classes during holiday lockdown jump on the website below:
Donna Hay
Nonna Chong
Scroll down to find the free classes