Library News

24/7 access to books, information, ebooks, movies & more!

Have you tried reading with your ears?

Audio books have been around for a long time and are a great way to feed your mind without the stress of concentrating as much as you have to do when reading. Audiobooks help “build and enhance vital literacy skills such as fluency, vocabulary, language acquisition, pronunciation, phonemic awareness, and comprehension—skills that often boost reading scores". We have access to a free 10 week trial that everyone can access.

Look under the star on Compass and go to ebooks where you will find the audiobooks as well. Another great audiobook platform is Audible, check it out for the terms and conditions they offer.

What sort of book sorter are you?

I would have to say I do colour at home....................Imagine if I did the library like that! Would make finding books fun, just go to the blue shelf :)

Instagram is still going hot and strong remember to follow us @ KSCLIBRARY to catch many interesting things (not just books). You'll find the odd movie, great quotes, controversial books and bookface of course.


Our new wall
So in love with our new wall!
Does she need a dress?
Our new wall
So in love with our new wall!
Does she need a dress?

Speaking of movies I cannot wait to see this!