Senior School News

Senior School Study Packs
Study Packs have been constructed for all students undertaking a unit 3 and 4 study. Students have been advised to collect the packs over the course of the last week of term. These packs contain printed copies of a variety of practice exams for each subject. We are mindful of the environment so have printed a selection for each subject. Students will be encouraged to seek additional material when they have completed the initial materials supply. We anticipate running formal prac exams onsite on Wed-Fri of week 1 Term 4, immediately following the GAT on Tuesday 5 October. This will provide students with an opportunity to complete an exam in a timed environment and staff will provide direct feedback on their examination performance.
Consideration of Educational Disadvantage (CED)
All students undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 study have been provided with an opportunity to provide information to the Senior School team regarding the impact of the current situation on their performance in each subject. The senior school team, in conjunction with the wellbeing team, have been collating this information and following up with students to ensure that any impact on performance for each individual is recognised and reported via the CED process to VCAA.
Year 12 students and vaccinations
DET focus is to give students the option to take up the vaccination. They have provided sources of information including the seminars and links to Health department sites so that students and families can make informed decisions
The first vaccination provides a substantial recovery period prior to the GAT, students and families can decide about the timing of the second vaccination.
The advice recommends not to have the vaccination within 24 to 48 hours prior to examinations.
It also states that being vaccinated is not a requirement to complete the exams. These are decisions for the family to determine.
In the case of a student having an adverse reaction and being unable to sit an exam or their performance is impacted, there is a process which follows whereby an application is made to determine “a derived score”. This occurs with any circumstance which may impact performance on the day and is a long-standing process. The derived score is based upon the performance on the GAT and school based assessments. This is why the GAT is such an important assessment.
VCE team contact list
Below is a list of key contact email addresses if specific assistance or guidance is needed:
VCAA, Assessment and Exams:
General Year 12 Inquiries:
General Year 11 inquiries:
General Year 10 Inquiries:
Pathways, University Information and VTAC:
Senior School team 2021