Executive Team Report

As another challenging term draws to a close I would like to acknowledge the hard work, perseverance and progress that has been made. Remote learning is not the preferred option, however, everyone has done their best to make it work. We have missed the personal interactions which occur within a normal school day. Those incidental yet valuable conversations, the extra curricula activities and clubs and all the other events that occur on site. The school has been a pretty quiet and lonely place for most of the term.
As always, I would like to commend the efforts of our teaching and education support staff who have done their best to engage the students and support them with their learning program. Our Sub-school and Wellbeing teams have continued to communicate with students to provide encouragement as needed.
Although this term has been different and challenging, many of our students have again made the most of the opportunities presented to them. They have completed art projects, made beautiful food, played musical instruments, undertaken physical challenges, participated in Course Counselling, navigated virtual excursions and of course, engaged in the learning tasks set by their teachers. I am extremely proud of the students for their efforts and grateful to their families for the support provided. It is certainly not easy managing a houseful of people all trying to work from home.
The circumstances of 2020 and 2021 are quite incredible and we cannot underestimate the impact felt by all members of our society. I think of our current Year 7 students, who missed out on many of the celebrations of being the big kids at their primary school last year, who again are missing the continuity of secondary school. I would also like to particularly acknowledge the dedication and perseverance displayed by our senior VCE students. This year has not been the final year they envisaged, and follows on from the challenges of 2020. Generally, they have stayed the course and navigated the tides of wavering motivation and disappointment. We are all looking forward to having our VCE students back on site for the GAT next term and I am hoping that it won’t be too long and we can welcome everyone else back too.
Realistically, every year level throughout the school has had their own challenges and disappointment at activities lost through this COVID experience, and again as difficult as this is, each of our young people should be proud of their efforts and progress. I believe they will come through this with lessons learnt and many personal achievements and strengths.
I hope everyone stays well and is able to enjoy a well-deserved break. As we head into the holiday break it is also a timely reminder for us to continue to follow the recommended health advice to keep ourselves and our community safe. I know that our school grounds are a great place for the community to come to be active and to socialise. I like the idea that people are jogging, riding bikes and shooting hoops, however, we have been notified by members of the public that at times the activities and interactions are not COVID compliant. As always, we are in this together and it is important that we continue to limit our social interactions and wear our masks as required, despite lockdown fatigue. I am sure all of us are looking forward to the time when we can gather together, visit each other and re-energise our friendships.
Take care.
Marianne Lee
NAPLAN Results
NAPLAN results have been delivered to Koonung SC. All students who participated in the NAPLAN tests have received an individual report of their results. These reports have been posted to parents/carers. The NAPLAN individual student report provides information about what the student knows and has achieved in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The report also provides information on how the student has performed against the national average and the national minimum standards.
More information about the report and interpreting the results is on the National Assessment Program website (https://www.nap.edu.au/results-and-reports/how-to-interpret ). The Koonung Leadership Team is currently analysing the whole school data. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mark Quinlan
Assistant Principal
Planning for 2022
Planning is well underway for the 2022 academic year. Students have completed their subject selections and the blocking grid for Senior school has been finalised. We are currently making contact via email with students in Years 10 and 11 who have missed out on any of their main preferences. All students in Years 8-11 will receive an email confirmation of their allocated subjects for 2022 early next term.
Unfortunately, due to the current uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Year 9 camp. We are planning a day at the Adventure Park in their last school week - details to be confirmed closer to the date.
Sandra Greenhill
Assistant Principal
Capital works program update
Since our last site meeting, the amended building permit for the change in construction has been issued, also revised structural steel shop drawings were issued for construction and site work has now resumed.
Shade sail grants program
We have submitted an application in round 6 of the school shade grants program to provide some shade around the portables. We have obtained letters of support from Koonung Secondary College Council, Koonung PFA, the Department of Education and Training and our local state MP, Paul Hamer. Thank you to everyone who gave us their support. It will be several months before we find out if the application is successful.
New Locker Bays
Thank you to our facilities officers, Mat Douglas and Peter Martin, who are completing the final touches to the new locker bays and beautifying the surrounding gardens. This initiative will reduce the congestion in our College corridors and improve student amenities.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager