Community notices

The Whitehorse Youth Representative Committee Reach the Peak Summit is moving online!
The FREE Reach the Peak a Summit for Young People in Whitehorse is a series of online workshops in October
Starting on Monday the 4th and presented over 2 weeks.
Our Summit is for young people aged 13 – 17 years and our themes this year are Health and Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion.
Awesome Prizes will be given at each workshop and all young people attending will
Receive an amazing resource pack via mail J
Please follow this link and register TODAY! Reach the Peak Summit | Whitehorse City Council
Workshops are only one hour from 6.30 – 7.30pm so you can chill out and eat dinner while enjoying .
All workshop information below to help you decide which ones you want to attend. Flyers for each workshop
are attached also. You can attend one or all of them! The more the merrier!
*Note: if you are aged 18 to 25 and very keen to attend please let us know as you will be considered
*Note: Event is for young people who work, live, study or have a significant connection to Whitehorse but as its online
all young people are welcome workshop numbers permitting.
Please contact Jac from the City of Whitehorse Youth Services if you have any questions at all or call 0408 356 997.