
With most of Term 3 being spent learning remotely, it is understandable for our students to be struggling with motivation and low mood during this challenging time. The most constructive way in which we can support our young people is by encouraging them to stick to a daily routine which prioritises good sleep, a To Do list, physical activity and connection with friends. 

The Wellbeing Team has been on site in the library every Monday and Wednesday 10am-3pm to offer support to our students if they feel they would benefit more from this than via Zoom or email.

For families who missed the webinar ‘Tips to Help Families Cope During Lockdown’ presented by The University of Melbourne held on 30th August, here is the link to the recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpIvg5ED05. The panel consisted of numerous health professionals providing their expertise on valuable strategies to best support young people and families during lockdown. Stay tuned on Compass for regular seminars/webinars which can support you and your family during this time. 

Some of the year levels have had Headspace and the Wellbeing Team attend assemblies to provide tips for getting through lockdown and the Year 12’s were provided with the lived experience and valuable advice from some of our Koonung 2020 graduates about what worked well for them in getting through Year 12 last year in lockdown plus reminding them about the fast-approaching light at the end of the tunnel!

We are also calling on our students to take some time to reflect on their achievements and things they are proud of during this time. There are a lot of wonderful humans achieving wonderful things during these times and we would love to hear their stories to share with the Koonung community! We are asking students to email the Wellbeing Team with a story of their own or something they have seen someone else achieve – academic, creative, social, sporting, acts of kindness etc.


R U OK? Day

Thursday 9 September, 2021 is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those struggling with life's ups and downs. It is important that we are mindful of checking in on our family and friends every day to show that we care. 


Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources 

The changes to our day to day lives have been very significant due to Covid19.  Click of the attachment to view the many resources available for support during this time. 



 Ewa Oaten 

Mental Health Practitioner 


Wellbeing Days

To ease the burden of Zoom fatigue and to take a collective breath,  Koonung school community held two “Wellbeing Days” where many classes removed the online video component of the lesson and allowed students to catch up and enjoy some other activities. The Student Leadership team contributed by offering some fun and creative events for students to enjoy during the day. Congratulations to the winners of the competitions and we hope everyone who participated enjoyed taking a break. 

Sophie Zarafa - Nature
Spencer Dobie - Freedom
Aidan Huynh- Tick Shot Competition
Gwen Mander - Coolest Walk Competitio
Sophie Zarafa - Nature
Spencer Dobie - Freedom
Aidan Huynh- Tick Shot Competition
Gwen Mander - Coolest Walk Competitio
Coolest walk  Gwen Mander (7H)
Trick shot Aidan Huynh (8H)


1st Spencer Dobie (7C),  2nd Will Saddington (7I)


1st Sophie Zarafa (10G),  2nd Hugo Ferdowsian (8A)

Comfort foodSara Wu (8D)

Peter Hodkinson

Director of Learning - Engagement and Leadership