Performing Arts

Year 8 student, Alysha Clegg enjoys writing and performing
I’ve been singing ever since I was three years old. I’ve always been interested in singing and I used to sing to the radio when I was little. Since then, I’ve loved being involved in performances at primary school and it’s even more fun now that I’m in high school. I was also in the Australian Girls Choir for 4 years and that experience really helped me to grow my voice.
My song 'Right Here' is about being there for others. I start writing songs by focusing on one main idea and then trying to write lyrics that follow that idea, as well as focusing on phrasing. The writing is probably the hardest part, after that I play around with the tune and try to see what fits best.
Alysha Clegg 8B
Well done Alysha! Click on the video below to enjoy Alysha's performance:
Olivia Foy
Performing Arts Domain Leader
Mathematics and Music Teacher
Let's hear from some of our Instrumental Music students
Our 'player profiles' segment continues and in this edition of the newsletter we have two more profiles from students who are currently involved in our Instrumental Music program.
Who: Qinming Wang
Year Level: 12
Any cool nicknames at school?
Not really, but just for fun some friends like to call me "Mr Ming"
What instruments do you play?
Guitar is my main instrument, but outside of school I sing and can slightly play the keyboard.
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Koonung?
I only have one music teacher at Koonung and that is Ms Foy who teaches VCE Performance Units 3 and 4.
What school ensembles do you play in?
I don't play in any.
When did you start learning to play music?
I started learning guitar when I was 5 years old.
What is your favourite song or genre to play? On guitar I like to play some rock as well as general pop.
What bands or musicians do you like to listen to or have influenced you a lot?
On the songwriting side, I'm influenced by, and like to listen to as well, a lot of contemporary R&B artists. When playing guitar I don't really have anyone who influences me much.
What is your most memorable performance to date?
I think one of them would be my last practice for Unit 1/2 final year performance as I felt that I made practically no mistakes in that performance. Sadly, on the actual performance exam I still made mistakes ;-; .
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
To be completely honest, this year's VCE music performance classes would be my most memorable as I feel like unlike any other class, I am able to have the most fun with my classmates while being surrounded by the topic of music which I have always enjoyed being around. Ms Foy's teaching and constant support on our own personal music journey allows all of us to be creative in the classroom or the theatre even if it's just mucking around on different instruments, playing a new song we have heard and liked, or just meme music. And, as a result I feel like I'm able to have the most enjoyable time discussing music topics or jokes with friends that otherwise no one else would understand.
What other non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
I like to draw and make visual art.
What do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
I hope to continue making studio music as I do all the time now and eventually accumulate enough good projects for an album.
What is your favourite food to eat?
Anything that has not too much and not too little amounts of salt.
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?) ?
Saying "alright bois don't tell anyone but I'm gonna dip" to classmates on the day of a music SAC.
Who: Andy Ma
Year Level: 12
Any cool nicknames at school?
What instruments do you play?
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Koonung?
I don't have one (Study privately).
What school ensembles do you play in?
String Quartet
When did you start learning to play music?
I started learning the piano and drums at age 5 (later I gave up), then started playing the violin at age 10 (in 2014)
What is your favourite song or genre to play? Classical
What bands or musicians do you like to listen to or have influenced you a lot?
Maxim Vengerov, one of the best, if not the best violinist in the world in my opinion.
What is your most memorable performance to date? - Performing at the presentation night with the String Quartet.
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
For me, every musical learning experience is memorable.
What other non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
I enjoy playing soccer with friends
What do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
To become a good and competent classroom music teacher, as well as a private instrumental music teacher with a decent income.
What is your favourite food to eat?
Chinese crispy pork, definitely!
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?) ?
I remember about 5 years ago, I was shopping with my dad. I didn't realise he had gone to another aisle, so I thought another person standing beside me was my dad. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, that's when I realised he was a random guy.
Joshua Verco
Instrumental Music Instructor - Electric Bass, Double Bass & Cello