Visual Arts

Year 10 Visual Communication Design
Year 10 Visual Communication Design students have started off remote learning with fantastic success.
Students were given a Brief and have used the Design Process to create posters for the Laneway Festival in the music genre of their own choice.
I am really impressed with these students and their resourcefulness during remote learning.
Great Work Year 10!
Amy McLellan
High-ability Practice Leader
Visual Arts/Technology Teacher
Year 8 Art
Year 8 Art students have started worked really hard to complete their Drawing Folio at home.
We started the folio of drawings while onsite learning at KSC where all students completed their hand gesture drawings however some students needed to re-do these works as they had left their drawing folio at school.
Students then had to continue on with the plein-air landscape drawing by taking a photo of their scene and then drawing from observation. Some students visited the site of the drawing many times to ensure that they obtained the correct perspective and lighting.
Next came the mannequin drawings which students needed to complete from viewing the pose of a wooden mannequin.
It was a tricky task to complete without being in a classroom setting but well done to all who embraced the task and gave this their best creative go.
I am excited to see what the students achieved and proud of their final works.
Super work Year 8C Art!
2020 Artist in Schools- Brett Ashby
Last year Brett Ashby (City of Whitehorse Artist in Schools Program) worked remotely with our Year 9 Urban Art students to produce the amazing mural ‘Light’. The benefits of this program are ongoing as Brett continues to network with our students.
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader