For Our Students 

This Week's Birthdays



Monday 2nd  -  Charlotte SEC, Charlie SJC

Tuesday 3rd  -  Jack PJL, Seth JLC

Wednesday 4th  -  Billie MBW, Connor MMJ

Today  -  Ben JJO, Tahlia SDB, Dishaan SRT

Tomorrow  -  Mason MBW, Alex SJC



Congratulations!  We hope you all had or will have a wonderful day!  


Great Work, Ethan!

Every student faces challenges every day in their learning, but some face more than others and deserve special congratulations.  This week Ethan from MMJ achieved a significant milestone in his written work and received well-earned praise from his teacher and Assistant Principal, Carol Wyatt for a magnificent effort!  Congratulations Ethan, you are a champion - and the smile says it all!